§ 90D‑10. Expenses andfees.
(a) All salaries,compensation, and expenses incurred or allowed for the purposes of this Chaptershall be paid by the Board exclusively out of the fees received by the Board asauthorized by this Chapter or from funds received from other sources. In nocase shall any salary, expense, or other obligations of the Board be chargedagainst the General Fund.
(b) The Board mayimpose the following fees not to exceed the amounts listed below:
(1) License $225.00
(2) Provisionallicense $225.00
(3) Licenserenewal $150.00
(4) Provisionallicense renewal $150.00
(5) Duplicatelicense $10.00.
(2002‑182,s. 1; 2003‑56, s. 3.)