§ 90D‑12. Disciplinaryaction.
The Board may deny, suspend,revoke, or refuse to license an interpreter or transliterator or applicant forany of the following:
(1) Giving falseinformation to or withholding information from the Board in procuring or attemptingto procure a license.
(2) Having beenconvicted of or pled guilty or no contest to a crime that indicates the personis unfit or incompetent to perform interpreter or transliterator services orthat indicates the person has deceived or defrauded the public.
(3) Having beendisciplined by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc., (RID).
(4) Demonstrating grossnegligence, incompetency, or misconduct in performing interpreter ortransliterator services.
(5) Failing to pay childsupport after having been ordered to do so by a court of competentjurisdiction.
(6) Willfully violatingany provisions of this Chapter or rules adopted by the Board. (2002‑182, s. 1; 2003‑56,s. 3.)