§ 90D‑13. Injunctiverelief.
If the Board finds that aperson who does not have a license issued under this Chapter claims to be alicensed interpreter or transliterator or is engaging in practice as aninterpreter or transliterator in violation of this Chapter, the Board may applyin its own name to the superior court for a temporary restraining order orother injunctive relief to prevent the person from continuing illegalpractices. The action may be brought in the county where the illegal orunlawful acts are alleged to have been committed, in the county where thedefendant resides, or in the county where the Board maintains its offices andrecords. The court may grant injunctions regardless of whether criminalprosecution or other action has been or may be instituted as a result of aviolation. (2002‑182,s. 1; 2003‑56, s. 3.)