§ 90D‑6. Powers of theBoard.
The Board shall have the powerand duty to:
(1) Administer thisChapter.
(2) Adopt, amend, orrepeal rules necessary to carry out the provisions of this Chapter, subject tothe provisions of Chapter 150B of the General Statutes.
(3) Employ and fix thecompensation of personnel that the Board determines is necessary to carry intoeffect the provisions of this Chapter and to incur other expenses necessary toeffectuate this Chapter.
(4) Examine anddetermine the qualifications and fitness of applicants for licensure, renewalof licensure, and reciprocal licensure.
(5) Issue, renew, deny,suspend, or revoke licenses and carry out any disciplinary actions authorizedby this Chapter.
(6) Set fees asauthorized in G.S. 90D‑10.
(7) Conductinvestigations for the purpose of determining whether violations of thisChapter or grounds for disciplining licensees exist.
(8) Maintain a record ofall proceedings and make available to licensees and other concerned parties anannual report of all Board action.
(9) Keep on file in itsoffice at all times a complete record of the names, addresses, license numbers,and renewal license numbers of all persons entitled to practice under thisChapter.
(10) Adopt a sealcontaining the name of the Board for use on all licenses and official reportsissued by the Board.
(11) Adopt rules forcontinuing education requirements.
(12) Conductadministrative hearings in accordance with Article 3A of Chapter 150B of theGeneral Statutes. (2002‑182,s. 1; 2005‑299, s. 3.)