§91A‑2. Purpose.
The making of pawn loans andthe acquisition and disposition of tangible personal property by and throughpawnshops vitally affects the general economy of this State and the publicinterest and welfare of its citizens. In recognition of these facts, it is thepolicy of this State and the purpose of the Pawnbrokers Modernization Act of1989 to:
(1) Ensure a soundsystem of making loans and acquiring and disposing of tangible personalproperty by and through pawnshops, and to prevent unlawful propertytransactions, particularly in stolen property, through licensing and regulatingpawnbrokers;
(2) Provide forlicensing fees and investigation fees of licensees;
(3) Ensure financialresponsibility to the State and the general public;
(4) Ensure compliancewith federal and State laws; and
(5) Assist localgovernments in the exercise of their police authority. (1989,c. 638, s. 2.)