§ 93A‑4.1. Continuingeducation.
(a) The Commissionshall establish a program of continuing education for real estate brokers. Anindividual licensed as a real estate broker is required to complete continuingeducation requirements in an amount not to exceed eight classroom hours ofinstruction a year during any license renewal period in subjects and at timesthe Commission deems appropriate. Any licensee who fails to complete continuingeducation requirements pursuant to this section shall not actively engage inthe business of real estate broker.
(a1) The Commission may,as part of the broker continuing education requirements, require real estatebrokers‑in‑charge to complete during each annual license period aspecial continuing education course consisting of not more than four classroomhours of instruction in subjects prescribed by the Commission.
(b) The Commissionshall establish procedures allowing for a deferral of continuing education forbrokers while they are not actively engaged in real estate brokerage.
(c) The Commission mayadopt any reasonable rules not inconsistent with this Chapter to give purposeand effect to the continuing education requirement, including rules thatgovern:
(1) The content andsubject matter of continuing education courses.
(2) The curriculum ofcourses required.
(3) The criteria,standards, and procedures for the approval of courses, course sponsors, andcourse instructors.
(4) The methods ofinstruction.
(5) The computation ofcourse credit.
(6) The ability to carryforward course credit from one year to another.
(7) The deferral ofcontinuing education for brokers and salespersons not engaged in brokerage.
(8) The waiver of orvariance from the continuing education requirement for hardship or otherreasons.
(9) The procedures forcompliance and sanctions for noncompliance.
(d) The Commission mayestablish a nonrefundable course application fee to be charged to a coursesponsor for the review and approval of a proposed continuing education course.The fee shall not exceed one hundred twenty‑five dollars ($125.00) percourse. The Commission may charge the sponsor of an approved course anonrefundable fee not to exceed seventy‑five dollars ($75.00) for theannual renewal of course approval.
An approved course sponsorshall pay a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per licensee to the Commission for eachlicensee completing an approved continuing education course conducted by thesponsor.
The Commission shall notcharge a course application fee, a course renewal fee, or any other fee for acontinuing education course sponsored by a community college, junior college,college, or university located in this State and accredited by the SouthernAssociation of Colleges and Schools.
(e) The Commission mayaward continuing education credit for an unapproved course or relatededucational activity. The Commission may prescribe procedures for a licensee tosubmit information on an unapproved course or related educational activity forcontinuing education credit. The Commission may charge a fee to the licenseefor each course or activity submitted. The fee shall not exceed fifty dollars($50.00). (1993,c. 492, s. 1; 1999‑229, s. 5; 2003‑361, s. 2; 2005‑395, s.6.)