§ 93B‑2. Annual reportsrequired; contents; open to inspection; sanction for failure to report.
(a) No later thanOctober 31 of each year, each occupational licensing board shall file with theSecretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Joint LegislativeAdministrative Procedure Oversight Committee an annual report containing all ofthe following information:
(1) The address of theboard, and the names of its members and officers.
(2) The number ofpersons who applied to the board for examination.
(3) The number who wererefused examination.
(4) The number who tookthe examination.
(5) The number to whominitial licenses were issued.
(6) The number whoapplied for license by reciprocity or comity.
(7) The number who weregranted licenses by reciprocity or comity.
(7a) The number ofofficial complaints received involving licensed and unlicensed activities.
(7b) The number ofdisciplinary actions taken against licensees, or other actions taken againstnonlicensees, including injunctive relief.
(8) The number oflicenses suspended or revoked.
(9) The number oflicenses terminated for any reason other than failure to pay the requiredrenewal fee.
(10) The substance of anyanticipated request by the occupational licensing board to the General Assemblyto amend statutes related to the occupational licensing board.
(11) The substance of anyanticipated change in rules adopted by the occupational licensing board or thesubstance of any anticipated adoption of new rules by the occupationallicensing board.
(b) No later thanOctober 31 of each year, each occupational licensing board shall file with theSecretary of State, the Attorney General, the Office of State Budget andManagement, and the Joint Legislative Administrative Procedure OversightCommittee a financial report that includes the source and amount of all fundscredited to the occupational licensing board and the purpose and amount of allfunds disbursed by the occupational licensing board during the previous fiscalyear.
(c) The reportsrequired by this section shall be open to public inspection.
(d) Failure of a boardto comply with the reporting requirements of this section by October 31 of eachyear shall result in a suspension of the board's authority to expend any fundsuntil such time as the board files the required reports. Suspension of aboard's authority to expend funds under this subsection shall not affect theboard's duty to issue and renew licenses or the validity of any application orlicense for which fees have been tendered in accordance with law. Each boardshall adopt rules establishing a procedure for implementing this subsection andshall maintain an escrow account into which any fees tendered during a board'speriod of suspension under this subsection shall be deposited. (1957, c. 1377, s. 2; 1969,c. 42; 2006‑70, s. 1; 2007‑323, s. 23.2; 2009‑125, s. 2.)