§93D‑9. Registration of apprentices.
(a) Any person age 17or older may apply to the Board for registration as an apprentice. Eachapplicant must be sponsored by a hearing aid dealer and fitter licensed by theBoard.
(b) Upon receiving anapplication accompanied by a fee in an amount set by the Board, not to exceedone hundred dollars ($100.00), the Board may register the applicant as anapprentice, which shall entitle the applicant to fit and sell hearing aidsunder the supervision of a holder of a regular license.
(c) No applicant shallbe registered as an apprentice by the Board under this section unless theapplicant shows to the satisfaction of the Board that the applicant is or willbe supervised and trained by a hearing aid fitter and seller who holds alicense.
(d) If a person 18years of age or older who is registered as an apprentice under this sectiondoes not take the next succeeding examination given after a minimum of one fullyear of apprenticeship, the person's apprentice registration shall not berenewed, except for good cause shown to the satisfaction of the Board.
(e) If a person who isregistered as an apprentice takes and fails to pass the next succeedingexamination given after one full year of apprenticeship, the Board may renewthe apprenticeship license for a period of time to end 30 days after theresults of the examination given next after the date of renewal of saidregistration. The fee for renewal of apprenticeship registration shall be setby the Board at an amount not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
(f) The Board shalladopt rules implementing initial and renewal registration of apprentices. (1969,c. 999; 1973, c. 1345, s. 4; 1981, c. 601, ss. 10‑15; c. 990, s. 3; 1991,c. 592, s. 5.)