§ 93E‑1‑3.1. Prohibited use of title; permissible use of title.
(a) It shall beunlawful for any person to assume or use the title "registeredtrainee", "licensed real estate appraiser", "certified realestate appraiser", or any title, designation, or abbreviation likely tocreate the impression of registration, licensure, or certification as a realestate appraiser, unless the person is registered, licensed, or certified bythe Appraisal Board in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. TheBoard may adopt for the exclusive use of persons licensed or certified underthe provisions of this Chapter, a seal, symbol, or other mark identifying theuser as a licensed or certified real estate appraiser.
(b) Any personcertified as a real estate appraiser by an appraisal trade organization shallretain the right to use the term "certified" or any similar term inidentifying the person to the public, provided that:
(1) In each instancewherein the term is used, the name of the certifying organization or body isprominently and conspicuously displayed immediately adjacent to the term; and
(2) The use of the termdoes not create the impression of certification by the State.
This subsection does not entitleany person certified only by a trade organization to conduct an appraisal thatrequires a State registration, license, or certification.
(c) The term"registered trainee", "licensed real estate appraiser","certified real estate appraiser", or any similar term shall not beused following or immediately in connection with the name of a partnership,association, corporation, or other firm or group, or in a manner that mightcreate the impression of registration, licensure, or certification as a realestate appraiser under this Chapter. (1995, c. 482, s. 3; 2001‑399, s. 1; 2007‑506,s. 3.)