§ 93E‑1‑6. Qualifications for registration and certification; applications; applicationfees; examinations.
(a) Any person desiringto be registered as a trainee or to obtain licensure as a licensed real estateappraiser or certification as a certified real estate appraiser shall makewritten application to the Board on the forms as are prescribed by the Boardsetting forth the applicant's qualifications for registration, licensure, orcertification. Each applicant shall satisfy the following qualificationrequirements:
(1) Each applicant forregistration as a trainee shall:
a. Have obtained a highschool diploma or its equivalent; and
b. Demonstrate to theBoard that the applicant possesses the knowledge and competence necessary toperform appraisals of real property, by: (i) having satisfactorily completedwithin the five‑year period immediately preceding the date application ismade, a course of instruction, approved by the Board, in real estate appraisalprinciples and practices consisting of at least 90 hours of classroominstruction in subjects determined by the Board; and (ii) satisfying anyadditional qualification the Board imposes by rule, not inconsistent with anyrequirements imposed by the Appraisal Foundation.
(2) Each applicant forcertification as a certified residential real estate appraiser shall:
a. Hold an associate'sdegree or higher from an accredited college, junior college, community college,or university; or have a high school diploma or its equivalent and havesuccessfully completed at least 21 semester credit hours of college coursesfrom an accredited college, junior college, community college, or university inEnglish composition, principles of economics, finance, higher mathematics, suchas geometry or algebra, statistics, introduction to computers, and business orreal estate law;
b. Demonstrate that theapplicant possesses the knowledge and competence necessary to performappraisals of real property as the Board may prescribe by having satisfactorilycompleted, within the five‑year period immediately preceding the date theapplication is made, a course of instruction, approved by the Board, in realestate appraisal principles and practices consisting of at least 200 hours;
c. Present evidencesatisfactory to the Board of at least 2,500 hours or the minimum requirement asimposed by the Appraisal Foundation, whichever is greater, of experience inreal estate appraising within the five‑year period immediately precedingthe date application is made, and over a period of at least two calendar years;and
d. Satisfy theadditional qualifications criteria as may be imposed by the Board by rule, notinconsistent with any requirements imposed by the Appraisal Foundation; or
e. Possess educationand experience which is found by the Board in its discretion to be equivalentto the above requirements.
(3) Each applicant forcertification as a certified general real estate appraiser shall:
a. Hold a bachelor'sdegree or higher from an accredited college or university; or have a highschool diploma or its equivalent and have successfully completed at least 30semester credit hours of college courses from an accredited college oruniversity in English composition, macroeconomics and microeconomics, finance,higher mathematics, such as geometry or algebra, statistics, introduction tocomputers, and business or real estate law and two elective courses inaccounting, geography, business management, or real estate;
b. Demonstrate that theapplicant possesses the knowledge and competence necessary to performappraisals of all types of real property by having satisfactorily completed,within the five‑year period immediately preceding the date application ismade, a course of instruction, approved by the Board, in general real estateappraisal practices consisting of at least 300 hours;
c. Present evidencesatisfactory to the Board of at least 3,000 hours or the minimum requirement asimposed by the Appraisal Foundation, whichever is greater, of experience inreal estate appraising within the five‑year period immediately precedingthe date application is made, and over a period of at least two and one‑halfcalendar years, fifty percent (50%) of which must be in appraisingnonresidential real estate; and
d. Satisfy theadditional qualifications criteria as may be imposed by the Board by rule, notinconsistent with any requirements imposed by the Appraisal Foundation; or
e. Possess education orexperience which is found by the Board in its discretion to be equivalent tothe above requirements.
(4) Repealed by SessionLaws 2001‑399, s. 1.
(b) Each applicationfor registration as a trainee or for certification as a real estate appraisershall be accompanied by a fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00), plus anyadditional fee as may be necessary to defray the cost of any competencyexamination administered by a private testing service.
(c) Any person whofiles with the Board an application for registration or certification as a realestate appraiser shall be required to pass an examination to demonstrate theperson's competence. The Board shall also make an investigation as it deemsnecessary into the background of the applicant to determine the applicant'squalifications with due regard to the paramount interest of the public as tothe applicant's competency, honesty, truthfulness, and integrity. Allapplicants shall obtain criminal record reports from one or more reportingservices designated by the Board to provide criminal record reports. Applicantsare required to pay the designated reporting service for the cost of thereports. In addition, the Board may investigate and consider whether theapplicant has had any disciplinary action taken against any other professionallicense in North Carolina or any other state, or if the applicant has committedor done any act which, if committed or done by any real estate trainee orappraiser, would be grounds under the provisions hereinafter set forth fordisciplinary action including the suspension or revocation of registration,licensure, or certification, or whether the applicant has been convicted of orpleaded guilty to any criminal act. If the results of the investigation shallbe satisfactory to the Board, and the applicant is otherwise qualified, thenthe Board shall issue to the applicant a trainee registration or certificateauthorizing the applicant to act as a registered trainee real estate appraiseror certified real estate appraiser in this State.
(d) If the applicanthas not affirmatively demonstrated that the applicant meets the requirementsfor registration or certification, action on the application will be deferredpending a hearing before the Board. (1993, c. 419, s. 6; 1995, c. 482, s. 6; 2001‑399,s. 1; 2007‑506, ss. 5, 6.)