§94‑6. Definition of an apprentice.
The term"apprentice," as used herein, shall mean a person at least 16 yearsof age who is covered by a written apprenticeship agreement approved by theApprenticeship Council, which apprenticeship agreement provides for not lessthan 2,000 hours of reasonably continuous employment for such person for hisparticipation in an approved schedule of work experience and for organized,related supplemental instruction in technical subjects related to the trade. Aminimum of 144 hours of related supplemental instruction for each year ofapprenticeship is recommended. The required hours for apprenticeship agreementsand the recommended hours for related supplemental instruction may be decreasedor increased in accordance with standards adopted by the apprenticeshipcommittee or sponsor, subject to approval of the Commissioner of Labor. (1939,c. 229, s. 6; 1979, c. 479, ss. 1, 2; c. 673, s. 4.)