§95‑110.3. Definitions.
(a) The term"Commissioner" shall mean the North Carolina Commissioner of Laboror his authorized representative.
(b) The term"Director" shall mean the Director of the Elevator and AmusementDevice Division of the North Carolina Department of Labor.
(c) The term"dumbwaiter" shall mean a hoisting and lowering mechanism equippedwith a car or platform which moves in guides in a substantially verticaldirection, the floor area of which does not exceed nine square feet, the totalinside height of which, whether or not provided with fixed or removableshelves, does not exceed four feet, the capacity of which does not exceed 500pounds, and which is used exclusively for carrying materials.
(d) The term"elevator" shall mean a hoisting and lowering mechanism equipped witha car or platform which moves in guides, and which serves two or more floors ofa building or structure.
(e) The term"escalator" shall mean a power driven, inclined continuous stairwayused for raising and lowering passengers.
(f) The term "inclinedstairway chair lift" shall mean a hoisting and lowering mechanism withone or more chairs or a platform for one or more wheelchairs installed on astairway for the purpose of transporting a physically disabled person.
(g) The term "inclinedor vertical wheelchair lift" shall mean a powered platform‑elevatingdevice used to transport a physically disabled person in a wheelchair.
(h) The term"manlift" shall mean platforms or brackets and accompanyinghandholds, mounted on, or attached to, an endless belt operating vertically inone direction only and being supported by, and driven through, pulleys at thetop and bottom and intended primarily for the conveyance of persons.
(i) The term "movingwalk" shall mean a type of passenger carrying device on which passengersstand or walk and in which the passenger carrying surface remains parallel toits direction of motion and is uninterrupted.
(j) The term"operator" shall mean any person having direct control over theoperation of any covered device or equipment.
(k) The term"owner" shall mean any person or authorized agent of such person whoowns a device or equipment subject to regulation under this Article, or in theevent the device or equipment is leased, the lessee. The term "owner"also shall include the State of North Carolina or any political subdivisionthereof or any unit of local government.
(l) The term"person" shall mean any individual, association, partnership, firm,corporation, private organization, or the State of North Carolina or anypolitical subdivision thereof or any unit of local government.
(m) The term "personnelhoist" shall mean an elevator installed inside or outside of buildingsduring construction, alteration or demolition and used primarily to raise andlower workers and other persons connected with or related to the buildingproject.
(n) The term "specialequipment" shall mean any permanently or semi‑permanently locateddevice, manually or power‑operated, used for moving or lifting person orpersons and materials but not considered as an elevator, escalator, dumbwaiter,moving walk, personnel hoist, inclined stairway chair lift, inclined orvertical wheelchair lift, or manlift. Special equipment shall include, but notbe limited to, manhoists, lift bridges, elevators which are used only forhandling building materials and workmen during construction, and stage andorchestra lifts. (1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 990, s. 1.)