§ 95‑119. Certificationcriteria; procedures; display of certificate.
(a) A registrationcertificate shall be issued without delay when the Commissioner is satisfiedthat the facts stated in the application are sufficient to enable theCommissioner to fulfill his or her duties under this Article and that thedevice sought to be registered complies with the rules adopted pursuant to thisArticle. Each registration certificate shall expire on October 31 of the yearnext following the date of issuance.
(b) The Commissionermay conduct any inspections necessary to determine whether the device sought tobe registered complies with the intent of this Article and the rules adoptedpursuant to this Article.
(c) The registrationcertificate for each device subject to the provisions of this Article shall bedisplayed prominently at the place where passengers are loaded onto the device.(1969, c. 1021;2005‑347, s. 3.)