§95‑134. Advisory Council.
(a) There is herebyestablished a State Advisory Council on Occupational Safety and Healthconsisting of 11 members, appointed by the Commissioner, composed of threerepresentatives from management, three representatives from labor, fourrepresentatives of the public sector with knowledge of occupational safety andoccupational health professions and one representative of the public sectorwith knowledge of migrant labor. The Commissioner shall designate one of themembers from the public sector as chairman and all members of the StateAdvisory Council shall be selected insofar as possible upon the basis of theirexperience and competence in the field of occupational safety and health.
(b) The Council shall advise,consult with, and make recommendations to the Commissioner on matters relatingto the administration of this Article. The Council shall hold no fewer than twomeetings during each calendar year. All meetings of the Advisory Council shallbe open to the public and a transcript shall be kept and made available forpublic inspection.
(c) The Director shallfurnish to the Advisory Council such secretarial, clerical and other servicesas he deems necessary to conduct the business of the Advisory Council. Themembers of the Advisory Council shall be compensated for reasonable expensesincurred, including necessary time spent in traveling to and from their placeof residence within the State to the place of meeting, and mileage andsubsistence as allowed to State officials. The members of the Advisory Councilshall be compensated in accordance with Chapter 138 of the General Statutes.
(d) In addition to its otherduties, the Advisory Council shall assist the Commissioner in formulating andsetting standards under the provisions of this Article. For this purpose theCommissioner may appoint persons qualified by experience and affiliation topresent the viewpoint of the employers involved, persons similarly qualified topresent the viewpoint of the workers involved, and some persons to representthe health and safety agencies of the State. The Commissioner for this purposemay include representatives or professional organizations of technicians orprofessionals specializing in occupational safety or health. Such personsappointed for temporary purposes may be paid such per diem and expenses ofattending meetings as provided in Chapter 138 of the General Statutes. (1973,c. 295, s. 9; 1977, c. 806; 1983, c. 717, ss. 17, 18.)