§ 95‑14.1. Departmentreview fees biennially.
No later than February 1 ofeach odd‑numbered year, the Department of Labor shall review all feescharged under its authority to determine whether any of the fees should bechanged and shall report its findings to the House of Representatives andSenate Appropriations Subcommittees on Natural and Economic Resources and theFiscal Research Division. The report required by this section shall include allof the information reported to the Office of State Budget and Management forits Biennial Fee Report and all of the following:
(1) The names of theprograms or divisions supported by the fee.
(2) The totalexpenditures of the programs or divisions.
(3) Any recommendationsfor increasing or decreasing the amount of the fee.
(4) An evaluation ofinflation since the last change to the amount of the fee.
(5) Any otherinformation deemed relevant to the review. (2009‑451, s. 12.2.)