§95‑229.6. Definitions.
As used in this Article,unless the context requires otherwise:
(1) "Coveredequipment" or "covered items" means any mechanical equipment,hoisting equipment, antenna, or rigging; any part of which is capable ofvertical, lateral, or swinging motion that could cause any portion of theequipment or item to come closer than 10 feet to a high‑voltage lineduring erection, construction, operation, or maintenance; including, but notlimited to, equipment such as cranes, derricks, power shovels, backhoes, dumptrucks, drilling rigs, pile drivers, excavating equipment, hay‑loaders,haystackers, combines, irrigation equipment, portable grain augers orelevators, and mechanical cotton pickers. These terms also include items suchas handheld tools, ladders, scaffolds, antennas, and outriggers, houses orother structures in transport, and gutters, siding, and other constructionmaterials, the motion or manipulation of which could cause them to come closerthan 10 feet to a high‑voltage line.
(2) "High‑voltageline" means all aboveground electrical conductors of voltage in excess of600 volts measured between conductor and ground.
(3) "Person"means natural person, firm, business association, company, partnership,corporation, or other legal entity.
(4) "Personresponsible for the work to be done" means the person performing orcontrolling the work that necessitates the precautionary safety measuresrequired by this Article, unless the person performing or controlling the workis under contract or agreement with a governmental entity, in which case"person responsible for the work to be done" means that governmentalentity.
(5) "Warningsign" means a weather‑resistant sign of not less than five inches byseven inches with at least two panels: a signal panel and a message panel. Thesignal panel shall contain the signal word "WARNING" in blacklettering and a safety alert symbol consisting of a black triangle with anorange exclamation point, all on an orange background. The message panel shallcontain the following words, either in black letters on a white background orwhite letters on a black background: "UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE THIS EQUIPMENTWITHIN TEN FEET OF OVERHEAD HIGH‑VOLTAGE LINES Contact with power linescan result in death or serious burns." A symbol or pictorial panel mayalso be added. Such warning sign language, lettering, style, colors, size, andformat shall meet the requirements of the American National Standard ANSIZ535.4‑1991, Product Safety Signs and Labels, or its successor or suchequally effective standard as may be approved for use by the Commissioner ofLabor. In the event of a conflict with regard to the appearance or content ofthe warning sign, the standard approved by the Commissioner of Labor shall takeprecedence over any description or standard set out in this subdivision. (1995(Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 587, s. 1; 1998‑193, s. 2.)