§95‑229.9. Notification.
(a) When any persondesires to carry on any work in closer proximity to any high‑voltage linethan permitted by G.S. 95‑229.7(a), the person responsible for the workto be done shall notify the owner or operator of the high‑voltage lineprior to the time the work is to be commenced. Such notification shall occur atthe earliest practical time; however, such notification shall occur not lessthan 48 hours, excluding Saturday, Sunday, and legal State and federalholidays, prior to the intended work. In emergency situations, includingpolice, fire, and rescue emergencies, such notification shall occur as soon aspossible under the circumstances. In cases where the person or business entityresponsible for doing the work is doing so under contract or agreement with agovernment entity, and the government entity and the owner or operator of thelines have already made satisfactory mutual arrangements, further arrangementsfor that particular work are not required.
(b) Every notice servedby any person on an owner or operator of a high‑voltage line shallcontain the following information:
(1) The name, address,and telephone number of the individual serving such notice;
(2) The location of theproposed work;
(3) The name, address,and telephone number of the person responsible for the work;
(4) The field telephonenumber of the site of such work, if one is available;
(5) The type, duration,and extent of the proposed work;
(6) The name of theperson for whom the proposed work is being performed;
(7) The time and date ofthe notice; and
(8) The approximate dateand time when the work is to begin.
(c) If the notificationrequired by this Article is made by telephone, a record of the information insubsection (b) of this section shall be maintained by the owner or operatornotified and the person giving the notice to document compliance with therequirements of this Article.
(d) Owners or operatorsof high‑voltage lines may form and operate an association providing formutual receipt of notification of activities close to high‑voltage linesin a specified area. In areas where an association is formed, the followingshall occur:
(1) Notification to theassociation shall be effected as set forth in this section.
(2) Owners or operatorsof high‑voltage lines in the area:
a. May become membersof the association;
b. May participate inand receive the services furnished by the association; and
c. Shall pay theirproportionate share of the cost for the services furnished.
(3) The associationwhose members or participants have high‑voltage lines within a countyshall file a list containing the name, address, and telephone number of everymember and participating owner or operator of high‑voltage lines with theclerk of superior court.
(4) If notification ismade by telephone, an adequate record of the information required by subsection(b) of this section shall be maintained by the association to documentcompliance with the requirements of this Article. (1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c.587, s. 1.)