§ 95‑25.13. Notification, posting, and records.
Every employer shall:
(1) Notify itsemployees, orally or in writing at the time of hiring, of the promised wagesand the day and place for payment;
(2) Make available toits employees, in writing or through a posted notice maintained in a placeaccessible to its employees, employment practices and policies with regard topromised wages;
(3) Notify employees, inwriting or through a posted notice maintained in a place accessible to itsemployees, at least 24 hours prior to any changes in promised wages. Wages maybe retroactively increased without the prior notice required by thissubsection; and
(4) Furnish eachemployee with an itemized statement of deductions made from that employee'swages under G.S. 95‑25.8 for each pay period such deductions are made. (1975, c. 413, s. 7; 1979, c.839, s. 1; 1981, c. 663, s. 12; 1993, c. 203, s. 1; 2005‑453, s. 21.)