Article 23.
Workplace ViolencePrevention.
§ 95‑260. Definitions.
The following definitionsapply in this Article:
(1) Civil no‑contactorder. An order granted under this Article, which includes a remedyauthorized by G.S. 95‑264.
(2) Employer. Any personor entity that employs one or more employees. Employer also includes the Stateof North Carolina and its political subdivisions.
(3) Unlawful conduct. Unlawfulconduct means the commission of one or more of the following acts upon anemployee, but does not include acts of self‑defense or defense of others:
a. Attempting to causebodily injury or intentionally causing bodily injury.
b. Willfully, and onmore than one occasion, following, being in the presence of, or otherwiseharassing, as defined in G.S. 14‑277.3A, without legal purpose and withthe intent to place the employee in reasonable fear for the employee's safety.
c. Willfullythreatening, orally, in writing, or by any other means, to physically injurethe employee in a manner and under circumstances that would cause a reasonableperson to believe that the threat is likely to be carried out and that actuallycauses the employee to believe that the threat will be carried out. (2004‑165, s. 1; 2009‑58,s. 7.)