§ 95‑268. Notice oforders.
(a) The clerk of courtshall deliver on the same day that a civil no‑contact order is issued acertified copy of that order to the sheriff.
(b) Unless therespondent was present in court when the order was issued, the sheriff shallserve that order upon the respondent and file proof of service in the mannerprovided for service of process in civil proceedings. If process has not yetbeen served upon the respondent, it shall be served with the order.
(c) A copy of the ordershall be issued promptly to and retained by the police department of themunicipality of the employer's workplace. If the employer's workplace is notlocated in a municipality or in a municipality with no police department,copies shall be issued promptly to and retained by the sheriff and the countypolice department, if any, of the county in which the employer's workplace islocated.
(d) Any orderextending, modifying, or revoking any civil no‑contact order shall berecorded, issued, and served in accordance with the provisions of this Article.(2004‑165,s. 1.)