§95‑3. Divisions of Department; Commissioner; administrative officers.
The Department of Labor shallconsist of the following officers, divisions and sections:
A Commissioner of Labor.
A Division of Standards andInspections.
A Division of Statistics.
Each division shall be in thecharge of a chief administrative officer and shall be organized under suchrules and regulations as the Commissioner of Labor and the head of the divisionconcerned, with the approval of the Governor, shall prescribe and promulgate.The Commissioner of Labor, with the approval of the Governor, may makeprovision for one person to act as chief administrative officer of two or moredivisions, when such is deemed advisable. The chief administrative officers ofthe several divisions shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Labor with theapproval of the Governor. The Commissioner of Labor, with the approval of theGovernor may combine or consolidate the activities of two or more of thedivisions of the Department, or provide for the setting up of other divisionswhen such action shall be deemed advisable for the more efficient andeconomical administration of the work and duties of the Department. (1931,c. 277; c. 312, s. 4; 1933, c. 46; 1963, c. 313, s. 2.)