§95‑36.3. Administration of Article.
(a) The administration ofthis Article shall be under the general supervision of the Commissioner ofLabor of North Carolina.
(b) There is herebyestablished in the Department of Labor an arbitration service. The Commissionerof Labor may appoint such employees as may be required for the consummation ofthe work under this Article, prescribe their duties and fix their compensation,subject to existing laws applicable to the appointment and compensation ofemployees of the State of North Carolina. Any member of or employee in thearbitration service may be removed from office by the Commissioner of Labor,acting in his discretion.
(c) The Commissioner ofLabor, with the written approval of the Attorney General as to legality, shallhave power to adopt, alter, amend or repeal appropriate rules of procedure forselection of the arbitrator or panel and for conduct of the arbitrationproceedings in accordance with this Article: Provided, however, that suchrules shall be inapplicable to the extent that they are inconsistent with thearbitration agreement of the parties. (1945, c. 1045, s. 3; 1951,c. 1103, s. 1.)