§95‑47.25. Contracts; contents; approval.
A contract between a joblisting service and an applicant shall be in writing, labeled as a contract,physically separate from any application form and made in duplicate, and shallinclude:
(1) A clear explanationof the services provided and the amount of the fee;
(2) In a type size nosmaller than nine point, a statement that reads "I understand that________ (name of job listing service) does not guarantee that I will obtainemployment through its services. I understand that _______ (name of job listingservice) does not refund fees for any reason," unless the job listingservice agrees in the contract to refund to the applicant any fee the applicantpaid to the job listing service if within three months of paying such a fee theapplicant has not accepted an employment position listed in a publication ofthe job listing service;
(3) A statement that thejob listing service is not a private personnel service or employment agency,that no additional fee will be charged to the applicant upon acceptance ofemployment and that the job listing service will not set up interviews orotherwise arrange direct contacts between an employer and the applicant; and
(4) A statement that thejob listing service is licensed and regulated by the Commissioner and theaddress at which a copy of regulations governing job listing services may beobtained.
A copy of each contract formto be used with applicants shall be filed with the Commissioner. Until the joblisting service receives written notification from the Commissioner that theform conforms to the requirements of this Article and regulations adoptedhereunder, it shall not be used with applicants. A job listing service shallnot accept a fee from any applicant before the applicant has read and receiveda copy of the contract. (1979, c. 780, s. 2.)