§95‑6. Statistical report to Governor; publication of information givenby employers.
It shall be the duty of theCommissioner of Labor to collect in the manner herein provided for, and toassort, systematize, and present to the Governor as a part of the reportprovided for in G.S. 95‑5, statistical details relating to all divisionsof labor in the State, and particularly concerning the following: the extent ofunemployment, the hours of labor, the number of employees and sex thereof, andthe daily wages earned; the conditions with respect to labor in allmanufacturing establishments, hotels, stores, and workshops; and theindustrial, social, educational, moral, and sanitary conditions of the laborclasses, in the productive industries of the State. Such statistical detailsshall include the names of firms, companies, or corporations, where the sameare located, the kind of goods produced or manufactured, the period ofoperation of each year, the number of employees, male or female, the numberengaged in clerical work and the number engaged in manual labor, with theclassification of the number of each sex engaged in such occupation and theaverage daily wage paid each: Provided, that the Commissioner shall not, norshall anyone connected with his office, publish or give or permit to bepublished or given to any person the individual statistics obtained from anyemployer, and all such statistics, when published, shall be published inconnection with other similar statistics and be set forth in aggregates and averages.(1931, c. 312, s. 8.)