§ 95‑69.13. Board ofBoiler and Pressure Vessels Rules created; appointment, terms, compensation andduties.
(a) There is herebycreated the North Carolina Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessels Rulesconsisting of nine members appointed by the Commissioner for a term of fiveyears each. Of these nine appointed members, one shall be a representative ofthe owners and users of steam boilers within this State, one a representativeof boiler manufacturers within this State, one a representative of boilermakerswithin this State who has had not less than five years' practical experience asa boilermaker, one shall be a representative of the owners or users of pressurevessels within the State, one shall be a representative of the pressure vesselmanufacturers within the State, one a representative of boiler inspection andinsurance companies authorized to insure boilers and pressure vessels withinthe State, one a representative of the antique boiler owners and operators inthis State, one a contractor holding a Group I North Carolina Heating License,and one a mechanical engineer on the faculty of a recognized engineeringcollege or a licensed professional engineer having boiler and pressure vesselexperience. The Commissioner of Labor shall serve as chair. The Chief Inspectorshall serve on the Board and in the absence of the Commissioner shall serve aschair.
(b) The Board shallmeet at least twice annually and shall be responsible for:
(1) Studying andproposing rules and regulations, for adoption, modification or revocation bythe Commissioner, governing the construction, installation, inspection, repair,alteration, use and operation of boilers and pressure vessels in this State.The rules and regulations so formulated shall conform as nearly as possible tothe standards of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(2) Devise and proctorexaminations covering this Article and the rules adopted under this Article toapplicants seeking a commission as inspectors of boilers and pressure vesselsin this State.
(2a) Act as proctorsduring the administration of the National Board commissioning examination.
(3) Issue, suspend, orrevoke inspector's commissions as inspectors of boilers and pressure vesselswithin this State. Whenever action is taken under this section to suspend orrevoke a commission, the affected party shall be given notice of theavailability of an administrative hearing and of judicial review in accordancewith Chapter 150B of the General Statutes, the Administrative Procedure Act.
(c) The members of theBoard shall serve without salary but shall be paid a subsistence and travelallowance as established in accordance with Chapter 138 of the GeneralStatutes. (1975,c. 895, s. 6; 1977, c. 788; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1187, s. 4; 1983, c.717, s. 16; 1985, c. 620, s. 5; 2005‑453, s. 5.)