§ 95‑69.16. Inspectioncertificate required.
All boilers and pressurevessels subject to the provisions of this Article shall be inspected by acommissioned inspector. The Commissioner may determine both the frequency andthe method of inspection. In determining the frequency of inspection, theCommissioner shall give due consideration to the hazard involved and the needfor the protection of the public. The method of inspection must provide anadequate procedure to insure the safety of individuals likely to be injured byan explosion or accident involving a boiler or pressure vessel.
No boiler or pressure vesselmay be operated without an inspection certificate, except pressure vesselsbeing operated under an owner‑user provision where administrative proceduresof equal safety and competency have been approved by the Board andCommissioner. No more than 60 days grace period may be granted beyond thecertificate expiration date. (1975, c. 895, s. 9; 1993, c. 351, s. 4; 2005‑453,s. 8; 2007‑231, s. 3.)