§ 95‑69.9. Definitions.
(a) The term"board" shall mean the North Carolina Board of Boiler and PressureVessel Rules.
(b) The term"boiler" shall mean a closed vessel in which water is heated, steamis generated, steam is superheated, or any combination thereof, under pressureor vacuum by the direct or indirect application of heat. The term"boiler" shall also include fired units for heating or vaporizingliquids other than water where these units are complete within themselves.
(b1) The term "ChiefInspector" shall mean the individual appointed by the Commissioner to holdthe office of Chief of the Boiler Safety Bureau within the Department of Labor.The Chief Inspector serves as the North Carolina member on the National Boardof Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
(c) The term"Commissioner" shall mean the North Carolina Commissioner of Labor.
(d) Repealed by SessionLaws 2005‑453, s. 1.
(d1) The term"Deputy Inspector" shall mean any Boiler and Pressure VesselInspector who is employed by the Department of Labor and is subordinate to theChief Inspector.
(e) The term"inspection certificate" or "certificate of inspection"shall mean certification by the Chief Inspector that a boiler or pressurevessel is in compliance with the rules and regulations adopted under thisArticle.
(f) The term"inspector's commission" shall mean a written authorization by theCommissioner for a person who has met the qualifications set out in thisArticle to conduct inspections of boilers and pressure vessels.
(f1) The term "NationalBoard" shall mean the National Board of Boiler and Pressure VesselInspectors.
(f2) The term"person" shall mean any individual, association, partnership, firm,corporation, private organization, or the State of North Carolina or anypolitical subdivision of the State or any unit of local government.
(g) The term"pressure vessel" shall mean a vessel in which the pressure isobtained from an indirect source or by the application of heat from an indirectsource or a direct source, other than those included within the term"boiler". (1975, c. 895, s. 2; 1993, c. 351, s. 1; 2005‑453, s. 1.)