§96‑24. Local offices; cooperation with United States service; financialaid from United States.
The Employment ServiceDivision is authorized to enter into agreement with the governing authoritiesof any municipality, county, township, or school corporation in the State forsuch period of time as may be deemed desirable for the purpose of establishingand maintaining local free employment offices, and for the extension ofvocational guidance in cooperation with the United States Employment Service,and under and by virtue of any such agreement as aforesaid to pay, from anyfunds appropriated by the State for the purposes of this Article, any part orthe whole of the salaries, expenses or rent, maintenance, and equipment ofoffices and other expenses. (1921, c. 131, s. 6; C.S., s.7312(f); 1931, c. 312, s. 3; 1935, c. 106, s. 4; Ex. Sess. 1936, c. 1, s. 12.)