§96‑27. Method of handling employment service funds.
All federal funds received bythis State under the Wagner‑Peyser Act (48 Stat. 113; Title 29, U.S.C.,section 49) as amended, and all State funds appropriated or made available tothe Employment Service Division shall be paid into the Employment SecurityAdministration Fund, and said moneys are hereby made available to the Stateemployment service to be expended as provided in this Article and by said actof Congress. For the purpose of establishing and maintaining free publicemployment offices, said Division is authorized to enter into agreements withany political subdivision of this State or with any private, nonprofitorganization, and as a part of any such agreement the Commission may acceptmoneys, services, or quarters as a contribution to the Employment SecurityAdministration Fund. (1935, c. 106, s. 7; Ex. Sess. 1936, c. 1, s. 12;1941, c. 108, s. 11; 1947, c. 598, s. 1.)