§ 97‑79. Offices andsupplies; deputies with power to subpoena witnesses and to take testimony;meetings; hearings.
(a) The Commissionshall be provided with adequate offices in which the records shall be kept andits official business transacted during regular business hours; it shall alsobe provided with necessary office furniture, stationery, and other supplies.
(b) The Commission mayappoint deputies who shall have the same power as members of the Commissionpursuant to G.S. 97‑80 and the same power to take evidence, and enterorders, opinions, and awards based thereon as is possessed by the members ofthe Commission. The deputies shall be subject to the State Personnel System.
(c) The Commission orany member thereof may hold sessions at any place within the State as may bedeemed necessary by the Commission.
(d) Hearings before theCommission shall be open to the public and shall be stenographically reported,and the Commission is authorized to contract for the reporting of suchhearings. The Commission shall by regulation provide for the preparation of arecord of the hearings and other proceedings. Notwithstanding the provisions ofthis subsection, informal hearings conducted pursuant to the provisions of G.S.97‑18.1, whether by telephone or in person, shall not be open to thepublic nor stenographically reported unless the Commission orders otherwise.
(e) The Commission, orany member thereof, or any deputy is authorized by appropriate order, to makeadditional parties plaintiff or defendant in any proceeding pending before theCommission when it is made to appear that such new party is either a necessaryparty or a proper party to a final determination of the proceeding.
(f) The Commissionshall create an ombudsman program to assist unrepresented claimants, employers,and other parties, to enable them to protect their rights under this Article.In addition to other duties assigned by the Commission, the ombudsman shallmeet with, or otherwise provide information to, injured employees, investigatecomplaints, and communicate with employers' insurance carriers and physiciansat the request of the claimant. Assistance provided under this subsection shallnot include representing the claimant in a compensation hearing. (1929,c. 120, s. 53; 1931, c. 274, s. 10; 1951, c. 1059, s. 7; 1955, c. 1026, s. 11;1971, c. 527, s. 2; c. 1147, s. 2; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1243, s. 1; 1993(Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 679, s. 5.2.)