§ 99E‑11. Duties of anoperator.
The operator, to the extentpracticable, shall:
(1) Post the duties ofroller skaters and spectators and the duties, obligations, and liabilities ofthe operator as prescribed in this Article in conspicuous places in at leastthree locations in the roller skating rink.
(2) Maintain thestability and legibility of all signs, symbols, and posted notices requiredunder subdivision (1) of this section.
(3) Comply with allroller skating rink safety standards published by the Roller Skating RinkOperators Association, including, but not limited to, the proper maintenance ofroller skating equipment and roller skating surfaces.
(4) When the rink isopen for sessions, have at least one floor guard on duty for approximatelyevery 200 skaters.
(5) Maintain the skatingsurface in reasonably safe condition and clean and inspect the skating surfacebefore each session.
(6) Maintain in goodcondition the railings, kickboards, and walls surrounding the skating surface.
(7) In rinks with step‑upor step‑down skating surfaces, ensure that the covering on the riser issecurely fastened.
(8) Install fireextinguishers and inspect fire extinguishers at recommended intervals.
(9) Provide reasonablesecurity in parking areas during operational hours.
(10) Inspect emergencylighting units periodically to ensure the lights are in proper order.
(11) Keep exit lights andlights in service areas on when skating surface lights are turned off duringspecial numbers.
(12) Check rental skateson a regular basis to ensure the skates are in good mechanical condition.
(13) Prohibit the sale oruse of alcoholic beverages on the premises.
(14) Comply with allapplicable State and local safety codes.
(15) Not engage willfullyor negligently in any conduct that may proximately cause injury, damage, ordeath to a roller skater or spectator. (1997‑376, s. 2.)