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CHAPTER 20.1-14FALCONRY20.1-14-01. General penalty. Any person violating a provision of this chapter for whicha penalty is not specifically provided is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.20.1-14-02. Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context or subject matterotherwise requires:1."Falconry" means the sport of taking quarry by the use of trained raptors.2."Raptor" means any migratory bird of the family accipitridae, excluding bald and
golden eagles, falconidae, or strigidae.20.1-14-03. Departmental authority. The department shall make such rules governingthe issuance and use of falconry licenses and prescribe the fee for the licenses as it deems
proper and necessary and in compliance with federal regulations. The department may revoke
any falconry license and seize the raptors held pursuant thereto if the licensee:1.Fails to provide proper care for the raptors in the licensee's possession.2.Allows raptors in the licensee's possession to become a public nuisance.3.Violates any of the provisions of this chapter or any rules made pursuant thereto.4.Fails to comply with any statute, rule, or regulation applicable to the hunting of the
game taken or to be taken.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 20.1-14 falconry