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CHAPTER 20.1-17AQUATIC NUISANCE SPECIES20.1-17-01. Prevention and control of aquatic nuisance species. The director, toprevent and control aquatic nuisance species, shall:1.Prepare a statewide management plan for aquatic nuisance species to be approved
by the governor.2.Organize an aquatic nuisance species committee, as provided for in the statewide
management plan, composed of the directororthedirector'sdesignee;representatives of the agriculture commissioner, state water commission, parks and
recreation department, state department of health, and tourism division; up to five
private entities or individuals; and a representative of tribal entities. The director or
the director's designee is the chairman of the aquatic nuisance species committee.3.Develop and adopt the state's list of aquatic nuisance species after consulting with
the aquatic nuisance species committee. The list must be updated annually.4.Provide for a permitting system to import listed aquatic nuisance species into or
move those species within the state.5.Develop rules to prevent the movement of aquatic nuisance species into or within
the state. In addition to requirements under chapter 28-32, the department shall
conduct a cost-benefit analysis for any rule proposed for adoption under this chapter.6.Conduct aquatic nuisance species education and prevention efforts.7.Provide for the partnership of the federal government, state agencies, and private or
public organizations to fund aquatic nuisance species prevention efforts.20.1-17-02.Compensation and expenses of appointive members of the aquaticnuisance committee. Each appointive member of the committee is entitled to receive sixty-two
dollars and fifty cents compensation per day and to reimbursement for expenses in the amounts
provided in sections 44-08-04 and 54-06-09 while attending meetings of the committee or, at the
discretion of the member, may receive either per diem compensation or expenses in those
amounts while otherwise engaged in official business of the department, including time of travel
between home and the place at which the member performs such duties.20.1-17-03. Management plan. The statewide management plan must address:1.Coordinated detection efforts and prevention of illegal introductions;2.Coordinated dissemination of information concerning aquatic nuisance species
among resource management agencies and organizations and impacted entities;3.A coordinated education and awareness campaign;4.Coordinated control of selected invasive species of aquatic plants and wild animals
on lands and public waters;5.A reasonable and workable inspection requirement for watercraft and equipment
working on waters of the state, including those participating in organized events on
the waters of the state;6.Closure of points of access to infested waters, if the director determines closure is
necessary;Page No. 17.Maintenance of public access to infested waters which are reasonably free of
aquatic nuisance species; and8.Notice to travelers of the penalties for violation of laws relating to aquatic nuisance
species.20.1-17-04. Inspection of watercraft. The director shall train and authorize personnelto inspect watercraft and associated equipment, including weed harvesters, for aquatic nuisance
species before the watercraft and equipment enter or leave waters of the state during the open
water season.20.1-17-05.Infested waters - Restricted activities.The director shall designate awater of the state as an infested water if the director determines that the water contains a
population of an aquatic nuisance species that may spread to other waters if use of the water and
related activities is not regulated to prevent this spread. In determining which waters are infested
with a nuisance species, the director shall consider:1.The extent of a species distribution within the state;2.The likely means of spread for a species; and3.Whether rules specific to infested waters containing a specific species will effectively
reduce that species' spread.20.1-17-06. Prohibited activities. A person may not possess, import, purchase, sell,propagate, transport, or introduce a prohibited aquatic nuisance species except:1.Under a permit issued by the director;2.When being transported to the department, or another destination as the director
may direct, in a sealed container for purposes of identifying the species or reporting
the presence of the species;3.When being transported for disposal as part of a harvest or control activity under a
permit issued by the director or when being transported as specified by the director;4.When the specimen has been lawfully acquired dead and, in the case of plant
species, all seeds are removed or are otherwise secured in a sealed container;5.When being removed from watercraft or equipment, or caught while angling, and
immediately returned to the water from which it came; or6.As the director otherwise may prescribe by rule.20.1-17-07. Standard. The director may issue a permit under this chapter only if thedirector determines that the permitted activity does not pose an unreasonable risk of harm to
natural resources or their use in the state. The director may deny, issue with conditions, modify,
or revoke a permit issued under this chapter as necessary to ensure that the proposed activity
will not pose an unreasonable risk of harm to natural resources or their use in the state.20.1-17-08. Seizure. The director may seize or dispose of any specimens of prohibitedaquatic nuisance species unlawfully possessed, imported, purchased, sold, propagated,
transported, or introduced in this state.20.1-17-09.Penalty.A person who violates this chapter is guilty of a class Bmisdemeanor.Page No. 2Document Outlinechapter 20.1-17 aquatic nuisance species