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CHAPTER 1-02RULES OF INTERPRETATION1-02-01. Rule of construction of code. The rule of the common law that statutes inderogation thereof are to be construed strictly has no application to this code.The codeestablishes the law of this state respecting the subjects to which it relates, and its provisions and
all proceedings under it are to be construed liberally, with a view to effecting its objects and to
promoting justice.1-02-02. Words to be understood in their ordinary sense. Words used in any statuteare to be understood in their ordinary sense, unless a contrary intention plainly appears, but any
words explained in this code are to be understood as thus explained.1-02-03.Language - How construed.Words and phrases must be construedaccording to the context and the rules of grammar and the approved usage of the language.
Technical words and phrases and such others as have acquired a peculiar and appropriate
meaning in law, or as are defined by statute, must be construed according to such peculiar and
appropriate meaning or definition.1-02-04. Conflict in expression of numbers. Whenever there is a conflict between anumber expressed in a statute both by figures and written words, the latter shall prevail unless
such words obviously are contrary to the legislative intent.1-02-05. Construction of unambiguous statute. When the wording of a statute is clearand free of all ambiguity, the letter of it is not to be disregarded under the pretext of pursuing its
spirit.1-02-06. Clerical and typographical errors. Clerical and typographical errors shall bedisregarded when the meaning of the legislative assembly is clear.1-02-06.1.Journal entry rule - Presumption of validity of legislation.A bill orresolution passed by the senate and the house of representatives of the legislative assembly as
evidenced by the journals of the senate and house is presumed to be the bill or resolution that is
signed by the presiding officers of the senate and house, presented to the governor, and filed
with the secretary of state. If there is a difference between versions of a bill, the legislative
council shall direct the publisher of the code to publish the law according to this section. The law
as published must be presumed valid until determined otherwise by an appropriate court.1-02-07. Particular controls general. Whenever a general provision in a statute is inconflict with a special provision in the same or in another statute, the two must be construed, if
possible, so that effect may be given to both provisions, but if the conflict between the two
provisions is irreconcilable the special provision must prevail and must be construed as an
exception to the general provision, unless the general provision is enacted later and it is the
manifest legislative intent that such general provision shall prevail.1-02-08.Conflicting provisions found in the same statute.Except as otherwiseprovided in section 1-02-07, whenever, in the same statute, several clauses are irreconcilable,
the clause last in order of date or position shall prevail.1-02-09. Irreconcilable statutes or constitutional amendments passed during thesame session.1.Whenever the provisions of two or more statutes passed during the same session of
the legislative assembly are irreconcilable, the statute latest in date of final passage
by the legislative assembly, irrespective of the date on which it was approved or
allowed to become law by the governor or of its effective date, prevails from the time
it becomes effective.However, whenever a provision of one or more statutesrepeals a law and a provision of one or more statutes passed later during the samePage No. 1session of the legislative assembly amends that law, the provision amending the law
prevails from the time it becomes effective only if:a.The legislative council determines the intent of the legislative assembly was to
retain the amended law as an independent law; orb.The provision amending the law has an earlier effective date than the effective
date of the provision repealing the law, in which case the amendment prevails
from its effective date until the effective date of the provision repealing the law.2.Whenever two or more concurrent resolutions, adopted during the same session of
the legislative assembly, propose to create or amend, or amend and repeal, the
same section of the Constitution of North Dakota, the secretary of state, in
consultation with the attorney general, shall determine if the proposals are
irreconcilable, and if they are irreconcilable, the resolution last adopted by the
legislative assembly, as determined by the legislative council, must be placed on the
ballot for the appropriate election for approval or disapproval by the electorate.1-02-09.1. Multiple amendments to the same provision, one without reference tothe other. If amendments to the same statute are enacted at the same or different sessions of
the legislative assembly, one amendment without reference to another, the amendments are to
be harmonized, if possible, so that effect may be given to each.If the amendments areirreconcilable, the latest in date of enactment prevails.1-02-09.2. Reconciliation of conflicting proposed amendments to the constitution.If two or more concurrent resolutions propose to amend or create the same section of the
Constitution of North Dakota, and the proposed sections are reconcilable, the legislative council
shall prepare a reconciled text and submit it to the secretary of state for inclusion in the
appropriate ballot.1-02-10. Code not retroactive unless so declared. No part of this code is retroactiveunless it is expressly declared to be so.1-02-11.Source note not part of statute.No source note may be deemed adeclaration by the legislative assembly as to the purpose, scope, or effect of any section to which
such source note or revisor's note relates.1-02-12. Headnote, cross-reference note, and source note. No headnote, sourcenote, or cross-reference note, whether designating an entire title, chapter, section, subsection, or
subdivision, constitutes any part of a statute.A headnote may not be used to determinelegislative intent or the legislative history for any statute. An effective date or expiration date note
preceding a headnote is not a part of the headnote and is a part of the statute.1-02-13. Uniform laws interpreted to effect purpose. Any provision in this code whichis a part of a uniform statute must be so construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make
uniform the law of those states which enact it.1-02-14. Majority power. Words giving a joint authority to three or more public officersor other persons must be construed as giving such authority to a majority of them, unless it
appears otherwise in the act giving the authority.1-02-15. Computation of time. The time in which any act provided by law is to be doneis computed by excluding the first day and including the last, unless the last is a holiday, and then
it also is excluded. If a number of months is to be computed by counting the months from a
particular day, the period ends on the same numerical day in the concluding month as the day of
the month from which the computation is begun, unless there are not that many days in the
concluding month, in which case the period ends on the last day of that month.Page No. 21-02-16. Repeal does not revive act previously repealed. Whenever any act of thelegislative assembly which repealed a former act is repealed, such former act is not revived by
such repeal.1-02-17. Repeal - Effect. The repeal of any statute by the legislative assembly, or bythe people through an initiated law, does not have the effect of releasing or extinguishing any
penalty, fine, liability, or forfeiture incurred under such statute, but as to cases tried before, or
subsequent to, the repeal of such statute, it has the effect of extinguishing any jail or prison
sentence that may be, or that has been, imposed by reason of said law, unless the repealing act
provides expressly that the penalties of imprisonment shall remain in force as to crimes
committed in violation of such law prior to its repeal. In other respects, such act shall remain in
force only for the purpose of the enforcement of such fine, penalty, or forfeiture.1-02-18.Pending actions or proceedings not affected by code.No action orproceeding commenced before this code takes effect, and no right accrued, is affected by its
provisions, but the proceedings therein must conform to the requirements of this code as far as
applicable.1-02-19. Effect upon former laws - Repeals. No statute, law, or rule is continued inforce because it is consistent with the provisions of this code on the same subject, but in all
cases provided for by this code all statutes, laws, and rules heretofore in force in the state,
whether consistent or not with the provisions of this code, unless expressly continued in force by
it, are all repealed and abrogated. This repeal or abrogation does not revive any former law
heretofore repealed, nor does it affect any right already existing or accrued or any action or
proceeding already taken, except as in this code provided, nor does it affect any private or local
statute not expressly repealed, nor any outstanding appropriation.1-02-20. Severability. In the event that any clause, sentence, paragraph, chapter, orother part of any title, is adjudged by any court of competent or final jurisdiction to be invalid,
such judgment does not affect, impair, nor invalidate any other clause, sentence, paragraph,
chapter, section, or part of such title, but is confined in its operation to the clause, sentence,
paragraph, section, or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment
has been rendered.1-02-21.Office held under provisions repealed by this code to be retained -Exceptions. Unless a different intention plainly appears, a public officer who is in office when
this code takes effect shall remain in office until the expiration of the term for which the officer
was elected or appointed unless the officer is removed prior to the expiration of the term as
provided by law.1-02-22. Effect when office abolished. When any office is abolished by the repeal ofany legislative act or provision, and such act or provision is not in substance reenacted or
continued in the code, such office ceases at the time the code takes effect.1-02-23. Limitations - How reckoned. When a limitation or period of time prescribed inany existing statute for acquiring a right or barring a remedy, or for any other purpose, has begun
to run before this code goes into effect, and the same or any limitation of time is prescribed in
this code, the time which already has run is deemed part of the time prescribed as such limitation
by this code.1-02-24. Time for performance of act - How computed. Unless otherwise speciallyprovided, every period of time prescribed in any statute existing prior to the taking effect of this
code with reference to the commencement of a proceeding or the performance of any other act,
must be computed from the date of the event at which such period begins although such event
happened before the taking effect of this revision. This section may not be construed so as to
conflict in any manner with the provisions of section 1-02-23.1-02-25. Continuations of existing statutes. For purposes of historical reference andas an aid to interpretation, the provisions of this code, so far as they are substantially the samePage No. 3as previously existing statutes, must be construed as continuations thereof, and not as new
enactments except that a revised version of such statutes contained in this code supersedes all
previous statutes.1-02-26. Effect of revision upon initiated measures. Any provision of this code whichwas enacted as an initiated measure, or as a part of such a measure, notwithstanding the
revision, shall remain in effect as an initiated provision and is subject to amendment,
reenactment, or repeal only as provided by section 25 of the Constitution of North Dakota.1-02-27. Conflicts adjusted. If the provisions of any chapter or title conflict with orcontravene the provisions of any other chapter or title, the provisions of each chapter or title must
prevail as to all matters in question arising thereunder out of the same subject matter.1-02-28. Benefit of provisions of law may be waived. Except when it is declaredotherwise, the provisions of this code in respect to the rights and obligations of parties to
contracts are subordinate to the intention of the parties, when ascertained in the manner
prescribed by the chapter on the interpretation of contracts. The benefit thereof may be waived
by any party entitled thereto, unless such waiver would be against public policy.1-02-29.Repeal of incorporating law does not dissolve existing corporation orlimited liability company. No existing corporation or limited liability company is dissolved on
account of the repeal of any statute pursuant to which it was organized, nor may the powers
specified in its charter, certificate, articles of incorporation, or articles of organization be impaired
or limited thereby. No repeal impairs, annuls, diverts, or disturbs any vested rights, privileges, or
powers actually exercised and enjoyed in or by any corporation or limited liability company under
such repealed laws.1-02-30.Vested rights protected.No provision contained in this code may be soconstrued as to impair any vested right or valid obligation existing when it takes effect.1-02-31. Existing boundaries to remain after code takes effect. The boundaries ofevery county, city, school district, and other local subdivision, shall remain the same as they were
established prior to the taking effect of this code until they are changed in the manner provided in
such code.1-02-32. Existing ordinances and regulations to remain in force after code takeseffect. Every ordinance, bylaw, rule, and regulation adopted by any county, city, civil township,
board, commission, or public officer, and in force when this code takes effect, if not inconsistent
with the provisions of the code, shall remain in force until it is repealed or amended in the
manner prescribed by law.1-02-33. Statutes which shall be deemed subsequent to code. Any statute otherthan this code, whether enacted at the 1961 session of the legislative assembly or thereafter, is
deemed to have been enacted subsequently to the enactment of this code. If any such statute
repeals, amends, or is inconsistent with any provision of this code, the provisions of such statute
shall prevail.1-02-33.1.Section 1-02-33 not applicable to laws enacted in 1943 session.Repealed by omission from this code.1-02-34. Pendency and transfer of actions and proceedings. If at the time this codetakes effect any action or proceeding properly commenced prior thereto is pending before any
court, tribunal, board, commission, or public officer, and such court, tribunal, board, commission,
or public officer is without jurisdiction of such action or proceeding under the provisions of this
code, such action or proceeding nevertheless must be transferred, together with all the papers
relating thereto, to the court, tribunal, board, commission, or public officer having jurisdiction
thereof, with the same force and effect as if originally commenced before such court, tribunal,
board, commission, or public officer.Page No. 41-02-35.Date of taking effect of code.This code is hereby declared to be anemergency measure and this code shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage
by the legislative assembly and approval of the governor with the following exceptions: 4-01-14,
6-01-21.4, 6-09-17, 11-10-02, 11-10-06, 12-49-06, 15-21-02, 15-39-16, 15-39-21, 15-39-32,
15-40-07, 15-40-19, 15-40-20, 15-44-02, 15-44-03, 18-03-03, 18-03-04, 18-03-05, 18-03-07,
18-03-08, 18-04-02, 18-04-03, 18-04-05, 18-04-06, 18-05-12, 18-05-13, 19-01-08, 19-05-08,
19-05-09, 19-05-10, 20-13-07, 20-14-08, 24-02-12, 24-02-13, 24-02-37, 25-08-10, 25-08-11,
25-08-13, 25-08-14, 25-08-15, 25-08-16, 25-08-17, 25-08-19, 25-08-20, 25-08-21, 26-22-09,
27-07-02, 27-08-20, 27-18-01, 27-18-02, 27-18-03, 27-18-04, 27-18-05, 29-01-14, 29-07-06,
32-12-03, 32-12-04, 33-01-00.1, 33-01-08, 33-01-23, 33-03-12, 33-12-12, 36-22-09, 37-06-02,
37-06-03, 37-06-06, 37-15-13, 37-15-15, 39-03-08, 40-07-08, 40-14-01, 40-15-01, 40-18-01,
40-18-03, 40-18-05, 40-18-06, 40-18-07, 40-18-08, 40-18-10, 40-18-11, 40-18-13, 40-18-14,
40-18-16, 40-18-17, 40-18-18, 40-18-19, 50-06-14, 54-06-06, 54-06-08, 54-10-01, 54-10-02,
54-10-03, 54-10-04, 54-11-01, 54-11-02, 54-12-07, 54-14-01, 54-14-02, 54-15-04, 54-15-05,
54-15-06, 54-15-08, 54-15-09, 54-15-13, 54-16-08, 54-16-09, 54-18-14, 54-23-06, 54-23-41,
54-26-14, 54-27-03, 54-27-04, 54-27-05, 54-27-06, 54-27-07, 54-27-08, 54-27-09, 54-27-11,
54-27-14, 54-27-15, 54-27-15.1, 54-27-15.4, 54-30-16, 55-01-04, 55-01-07, 57-37-24, 57-45-08,
58-05-02, 58-05-07, 61-02-13, and chapter 54-44, except that any portion of those above
sections or chapters relating to state purchases and printing, the state printing commission and
the state printer are effective upon the final passage and approval of this code. The equivalent
sections of the North Dakota Revised Code of 1943 and the 1957 Supplement to the North
Dakota Revised Code of 1943 of the above sections are in effect through June 30, 1961.The following chapters and sections are repealed on July 1, 1961: chapters 10-08, 10-09,10-10, 10-11, 54-13; sections 6-01-21, 11-10-03, 40-18-02, 54-10-05, 54-10-06, 54-10-07,
54-10-08, 54-10-09, 54-10-11, 54-15-12, 54-15-14, 54-21-15, 54-21-16, 54-27-15.2, and
65-02-10.1-02-36. Registered or certified mail. Wherever the term "registered mail" appears inthe laws of the state of North Dakota it means "registered or certified mail".1-02-37. Citations. All amendments of and additions to the North Dakota Century Codeappearing in pocket part supplements must be cited as sections of the North Dakota Century
Code.1-02-38. Intentions in the enactment of statutes. In enacting a statute, it is presumedthat:1.Compliance with the constitutions of the state and of the United States is intended.2.The entire statute is intended to be effective.3.A just and reasonable result is intended.4.A result feasible of execution is intended.5.Public interest is favored over any private interest.1-02-39. Aids in construction of ambiguous statutes. If a statute is ambiguous, thecourt, in determining the intention of the legislation, may consider among other matters:1.The object sought to be attained.2.The circumstances under which the statute was enacted.3.The legislative history.4.The common law or former statutory provisions, including laws upon the same or
similar subjects.Page No. 55.The consequences of a particular construction.6.The administrative construction of the statute.7.The preamble.1-02-40. Statutory references. A reference to any portion of a statute applies to allreenactments, revisions, or amendments thereof.1-02-41. References to a series. If a statute refers to a series of numbers or letters, thefirst and the last numbers or letters are included.1-02-42. Effective dates of legislation - Rules of construction. In determining theeffective date of any law enacted by the legislative assembly, a "measure" includes the entire
contents of a legislative act, unless the legislative assembly specifically provides within the act
that only a portion of the act is an emergency, appropriation, or tax measure. Unless a different
date is specified in a measure, the measure takes effect on July first after its filing with the
secretary of state if:1.Any portion of the measure provides an appropriation for support and maintenance
of state departments and institutions; or2.Any portion of the measure:a.(1)Provides for an enforced contribution for public purposes which is not
dependent upon the will or consent of the person taxed;(2)Imposes a fee for any purpose; or(3)Authorizes a public official or entity to determine the level of a fee for any
purpose; andb.Changes any statutory factor that determines the amount of a taxpayer's
liability for the contribution or fee, including a full or partial exemption or credit.Page No. 6Document Outlinechapter 1-02 rules of interpretation