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TITLE 3AGENCYCHAPTER 3-01CREATION AND TERMINATION OF AGENCY3-01-01. Definition. Agency is the relationship which results when one person, calledthe principal, authorizes another, called the agent, to act for the principal in dealing with third
persons.3-01-02.General and special agent defined.An agent for a particular act ortransaction is called a special agent. All others are general agents.3-01-03.Actual and ostensible agency defined.An agency is either actual orostensible. It is actual when the agent really is employed by the principal. It is ostensible when
the principal intentionally or by want of ordinary care causes a third person to believe another to
be the principal's agent, who really is not employed by the principal.3-01-04.Who may appoint an agent - Who may be agent.Any person havingcapacity to contract may appoint an agent and any person may be an agent.3-01-05. Authorization to agent. An agent may be authorized to do any acts which theagent's principal might do, except those to which the principal is bound to give personal attention.3-01-06. How agency created. An agency may be created and an authority may beconferred by a prior authorization or a subsequent ratification.3-01-07. No consideration necessary. The relationship of principal and agent can becreated although neither party receives consideration.3-01-08. Ratification of agency - How made - Extent. A ratification can be made onlyin the manner that would have been necessary to confer an original authority for the act ratified
or, when an oral authorization would suffice, by accepting or retaining the benefit of the act with
notice thereof. A ratification is not valid unless at the time of ratifying the act done the principal
has power to confer authority for such an act and ratification of part of an indivisible transaction is
a ratification of the whole.3-01-09.Retroactive ratification limited.No unauthorized act can be made validretroactively to the prejudice of third persons without their consent.3-01-10. Rescission of ratification. A ratification may be rescinded when made withoutsuch consent as is required in a contract or with an imperfect knowledge of the material facts of
the transaction ratified, but not otherwise.3-01-11. Termination of agency.1.An agency is terminated as to every person having notice thereof by:a.Expiration of its term;b.Extinction of its subject;c.Death of the agent;d.Renunciation by the agent; ore.Incapacity of the agent to act as such.Page No. 12.Unless the power of an agent is coupled with an interest in the subject of the agency,
it is terminated as to every person having notice thereof by:a.Its revocation by the principal;b.Death of the principal; orc.Incapacity of the principal to contract.Page No. 2Document Outlinechapter 3-01 creation and termination of agency