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CHAPTER 4-41INDUSTRIAL HEMP4-41-01. Industrial hemp (cannabis sativa l.) - Oilseed. Industrial hemp (cannabissativa l.), having no more than three-tenths of one percent tetrahydrocannabinol, is recognized
as an oilseed. Upon meeting the requirements of section 4-41-02, any person in this state may
plant, grow, harvest, possess, process, sell, and buy industrial hemp (cannabis sativa l.) having
no more than three-tenths of one percent tetrahydrocannabinol.4-41-02.Industrial hemp - Licensure - Reporting requirements - Continuingappropriation.1.Any person desiring to grow or process industrial hemp for commercial purposes or
research shall apply to the agriculture commissioner for a license on a form
prescribed by the commissioner.The application for a license must include thename and address of the applicant and the legal description of the land area to be
used to produce or process industrial hemp. Except for employees of the state seed
department, the agricultural experiment station, or the North Dakota state university
extension service involved in research and extension-related activities, the
commissioner shall require each applicant for initial licensure to submit to a
statewide and nationwide criminal history check. The nationwide criminal history
check must be conducted in the manner provided in section 12-60-24. All costs
associated with the background check are the responsibility of the applicant.
Criminal history records provided to the commissioner under this section are
confidential.The commissioner may use the records only in determining anapplicant's eligibility for licensure. Any person with a prior criminal conviction is not
eligible for licensure. If the applicant has completed the application process to the
satisfaction of the commissioner, the commissioner shall issue the license, which is
valid for a period of one year. Any person licensed under this section is presumed to
be growing or processing industrial hemp for commercial purposes or research. A
license required by this section is not conditioned on or subject to review or approval
by the United States drug enforcement agency. This subsection does not apply to
any person licensed by the United States drug enforcement agency to conduct
research.2.Each licensee must file with the commissioner documentation indicating that the
seeds planted were of a type and variety certified to have no more than three-tenths
of one percent tetrahydrocannabinol and a copy of any contract to grow industrial
hemp. Each licensee shall notify the commissioner of the sale or distribution of any
industrial hemp grown by the licensee, and the names of the persons to whom the
hemp was sold or distributed.3.The commissioner shall adopt rules to allow the industrial hemp to be tested during
growth for tetrahydrocannabinol levels and to allow for supervision of the industrial
hemp during its growing, harvesting, and processing. To provide sufficient funds to
pay costs associated with monitoring and testing industrial hemp in the state, the
commissioner shall assess each applicant a fee of five dollars per acre.Theminimum fee assessed must be one hundred fifty dollars per applicant. Collections
from this fee must be deposited in the commissioner's operating fund and are
appropriated to the commissioner to be used to enforce this chapter.4-41-03. Industrial hemp seed - Authority to import and sell. North Dakota stateuniversity and any other person licensed under this chapter may import and resell industrial
hemp seed that has been certified as having no more than three-tenths of one percent
tetrahydrocannabinol.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 4-41 industrial hemp