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CHAPTER 6-09.14PARTNERSHIP IN ASSISTING COMMUNITY EXPANSION6-09.14-01. (Effective through July 31, 2011) Definitions. In this chapter, unless thecontext or subject matter otherwise requires:1."Business" means a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, individual, or
association providing child care or involved in manufacturing, processing,
value-added processing, and targeted industries as defined by the Bank of North
Dakota.2."Community" means the city or county in which an eligible business is located, or a
local development corporation, community organization, or any other group whose
interest is in the economic growth of the area.3."Partnership in assisting community expansion fund" or "fund" means a fund
established to buy down the interest rate on loans to businesses under this chapter.(Effective after July 31, 2011) Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context or subjectmatter otherwise requires:1."Business" means a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, individual, or
association involved in manufacturing, processing, value-added processing, and
targeted industries as defined by the Bank of North Dakota.2."Community" means the city or county in which an eligible business is located, or a
local development corporation, community organization, or any other group whose
interest is in the economic growth of the area.3."Partnership in assisting community expansion fund" or "fund" means a fund
established to buy down the interest rate on loans to businesses under this chapter.6-09.14-02.Fund - Continuing appropriation - Administration.A partnership inassisting community expansion fund is hereby established from a transfer of earnings from the
Bank of North Dakota. This is a revolving fund, and all moneys transferred into the fund, interest
on fund moneys, and payments to the fund are hereby appropriated for the purposes of this
chapter.This fund is not subject to section 54-44.1-11.The Bank of North Dakota shalladminister the fund.6-09.14-03. Fund - Purpose - Interest rate buydown. Moneys in the partnership inassisting community expansion fund must be used for the purpose of buying down the interest
rate on loans made by a lead financial institution in participation with the Bank of North Dakota.
The Bank of North Dakota's participation may not exceed eighty percent nor be less than fifty
percent of the total loans. If the loan is approved by the lenders and there is evidence of the
community's commitment and ability to fund its portion of the buydown, the fund's participation in
the buydown must automatically be approved.6-09.14-04. Fund moneys - Eligible uses.1.The fund moneys may be used to participate in an interest rate buydown on a loan
to a new or expanding business for the following eligible uses:a.Purchase of real property and equipment.b.Expansion of facilities.c.Working capital.Page No. 1d.Inventory.The loan funds cannot be used to refinance any existing debt or for the relocation of
the business within North Dakota.2.The community shall determine the amount of the interest rate buydown and apply
to the Bank of North Dakota for participation from the partnership in assisting
community expansion fund. The funds for the community's portion of the buydown
may come from a local development corporation, contributions, community funds,
future dedicated tax programs, or any other community source.3.The fund participation portion in the buydown must be determined by the Bank of
North Dakota based on economic conditions in the city or county in which the
business is located.4.The maximum amount from the fund in the interest rate buydown may not exceed
three hundred thousand dollars per loan. The fund participation must be limited to
the amount required to buy down the interest to five hundred basis points below the
national prime interest rate.5.The Bank of North Dakota shall adopt rules to implement this chapter.Page No. 2Document Outlinechapter 6-09.14 partnership in assisting community expansion