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CHAPTER 6-09.5COMMUNITY WATER FACILITY LOANS6-09.5-01. Community Water Facility Loan Act - Intent. Moneys transferred underthis chapter shall be used primarily for supplementary financing in conjunction with federal
moneys available under the authority of 7 U.S.C. 1926 and 1927 [Pub. L. 87-128; 75 Stat. 308],
as amended through December 31, 1996, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder
for the construction, enlargement, extension, or other improvement of community water facilities.
This chapter is intended to improve the health, general welfare, convenience, and prosperity of
communities and rural inhabitants presently lacking adequate water supplies.6-09.5-02. Community water facility - Definition. The term "community water facility"includes any or all projects for the development, storage, treatment, purification, and distribution
of water.Such projects include, but are not limited to, those works necessary for locating,conserving, controlling, treating, and distributing water, including reservoirs, dams, canals, wells,
pumps, treatment plants, mains, pipelines, and other associated features necessary to supply
water.6-09.5-03. Transfer of funds - Revolving fund. A community water facility loan fundwith an authorized ceiling of ten million dollars is hereby established from the future undivided
profits of the Bank of North Dakota. This is a revolving fund, and all moneys transferred into the
fund, interest upon fund moneys, and collections of interest and principal on fund loans must be
used for the purposes of this chapter.6-09.5-04. Loan applications - Approval. Applications for revolving fund loans must besubmitted to the Bank of North Dakota which shall investigate and consider approval of loan
applications under such rules and regulations as it may establish. The Bank shall cooperate with
the state office of the farmers home administration or its successor in considering applications to
comply with the requirements of 7 U.S.C. 1926 and 1927 [Pub. L. 87-128; 75 Stat. 308], as
amended through December 31, 1996, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder
relating to community water facilities.6-09.5-05. Fund supervision and administration. The revolving fund and loans madetherefrom must be supervised and administered by the Bank of North Dakota which shall make
loans from the revolving fund to the extent moneys are available. Payments of interest and
principal upon loans must be made to the Bank and credited to the revolving fund. The Bank
may deduct one-half of one percent of the outstanding loans annually as a service fee for
administering the revolving fund.6-09.5-05.1.Audit and costs of administration.The industrial commission isresponsible for contracting with a certified public accounting firm to audit the revolving fund as
necessary. The cost of the audit, and any other actual costs incurred by the Bank on behalf of
the fund, must be paid for by the fund.6-09.5-06. Fund purposes.1.Revolving fund moneys may not be used whenever sufficient federal loan and grant
moneys are available, except:a.To make community water facility projects feasible in conjunction with federal
moneys when the projected cost is above the maximum per user feasibility loan
limit set by the farmers home administration or its successor.b.To provide supplemental financing for community water facility projects in
conjunction with federal moneys when more projects can be completed through
combined financing.Page No. 12.Revolving fund moneys may also be used for the following purposes under such
terms and conditions as the Bank of North Dakota may prescribe:a.To provide loans for necessary services prior to farmers home administration
approval of proposed community water facility projects. Cities eligible under
this chapter and associations, corporations, or cooperatives organized for the
purposes of this chapter under the laws of North Dakota are eligible for loans
under this subdivision.b.To provide loans to cover operating expenses of community water facility
projects when the borrower is unable to pay such expenses.3.The Bank of North Dakota may defer interest and principal payments on revolving
fund loans for up to three years to provide time for a community water facility to
become self-supporting.6-09.5-07. Loan terms. Revolving fund loans approved by the Bank of North Dakotamust in no event exceed fifty percent of the cost of a community water facility project. Such
loans must bear interest at a rate of three percent per annum.6-09.5-08. Loan eligibility. Applicants eligible for loans shall include cities eligible under7 U.S.C. 1926 [Pub. L. 87-128; 75 Stat. 308], as amended through December 31, 1996, and
associations, cooperatives, and corporations operated on a nonprofit basis which have the legal
authority necessary for constructing, operating, and maintaining the proposed facility or service
and for obtaining, giving security for, and repaying the loan in accordance with farmers home
administration requirements. Applicant cities, associations, cooperatives, and corporations shall
seek to include cities and rural areas, eligible under farmers home administration rules and
regulations and located near a proposed service area, as part of a water facility project. Reasons
for not including such cities and rural areas must be approved jointly by the Bank of North Dakota
and the farmers home administration.6-09.5-09. Project service area alternatives. Applicants for revolving fund loans shallconsider available alternatives to select the most efficient and economically feasible methods of
planning a community water facility project. In addition to central systems, community water
facility projects may provide service through installations for individual usage or for small clusters
of users within the central system service area, but who are beyond the physical or economic
limits of the central system, when it is more feasible to provide such service through individual or
remote facilities in accordance with farmers home administration rules and regulations.6-09.5-10. Rules and regulations. The Bank of North Dakota may promulgate andadopt such rules as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter and meet the
requirements of 7 U.S.C. 1926 and 1927 [Pub. L. 87-128; 75 Stat. 308], as amended through
December 31, 1996, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder relating to community
water facilities.6-09.5-11. Powers of Bank of North Dakota. The Bank of North Dakota is authorizedto do everything necessary to make revolving fund loans. This specifically includes the power to
take such security as deemed necessary and to bring suit to collect interest and principal due the
revolving fund under contracts and notes executed pursuant to this chapter.Page No. 2Document Outlinechapter 6-09.5 community water facility loans