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CHAPTER 6-14UNAUTHORIZED USE OF NAME OR LOGO6-14-01. Unlawful use of name or logo. A person may not use the name or logo of anybank, trust company, savings association, or savings bank or of an affiliate of such financial
institution in connection with the sale, distribution, offer for sale, advertisement, or promotion of
any product or service without first obtaining the written consent of the bank, trust company,
savings association, savings bank, or affiliate. A person may not use the name or logo of a bank,
trust company, savings association, savings bank, or affiliate in a manner that will make it difficult
to understand or will mislead an individual about the source of origin, affiliation, or sponsorship of
a product or service or about the true identity source of a communication regardless of the nature
of the communication.6-14-02. Civil liability - Attorney's fees. A person that violates this chapter is civillyliable to the bank, trust company, savings association, savings bank, or affiliate for each unlawful
use of a name or logo in the amount of one thousand dollars or actual damages, whichever is
greater, plus reasonable attorney's fees.6-14-03. Injunction. A court may enjoin the use of a name or logo which violates thischapter. An action for injunction under this section is in addition to any other remedy that may be
available.6-14-04. Penalty. A person that willfully violates this chapter is guilty of a class Bmisdemeanor.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 6-14 unauthorized use of name or logo