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8-08 Common Carriers of Persons

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CHAPTER 8-08COMMON CARRIERS OF PERSONS8-08-01. Carrier may make rules. A common carrier of persons may make rules for theconduct of the common carrier's business and may require passengers to conform to them if they
are lawful, public, uniform in their application, and reasonable.8-08-02.Obligation to carry luggage.A common carrier of persons, unless thecommon carrier's vehicle is fitted for the reception of passengers exclusively, shall receive and
carry a reasonable amount of luggage for each passenger without any charge.8-08-03.Luggage - Carriage and delivery.A common carrier shall deliver everypassenger's luggage immediately upon the arrival of the passenger at the passenger's
destination, and unless the vehicle would be overcrowded or overloaded thereby, shall carry it on
the same vehicle by which the common carrier carries the passenger to whom it belongs.8-08-04. Liability for luggage. The liability of a carrier for luggage received by thecarrier with a passenger is the same as that of a common carrier of property.8-08-05. Carrier shall provide sufficient vehicles and seats. A common carrier ofpersons shall provide a sufficient number of vehicles to accommodate all the passengers who
can be reasonably expected to require carriage at any one time and shall provide every
passenger with a seat. A common carrier of persons must not overload the common carrier's
vehicle by receiving and carrying more passengers than its rated capacity allows.8-08-06. Vehicles to be disinfected - Misdemeanor. Repealed by S.L. 1975, ch. 106,

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