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CHAPTER 11-11.1JOB DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITIES11-11.1-01.Jobdevelopmentauthority-Boardofdirectors'membersqualifications.1.The board of county commissioners, by resolution, may create a job development
authority for the county, or may discontinue a job development authority which has
been created for the county.a.If the authority is created, the question of discontinuing the authority may be
placed on the ballot at the next regular election by petition filed with the county
auditor at least ninety days before any countywide election and signed by
electors of the county who are residents of the area subject to taxation under
section 11-11.1-04 equal in number to ten percent of the votes cast in the
county in the area subject to taxation under section 11-11.1-04 for the office of
governor in the last general election.b.The question to be voted on at the election must be submitted by ballot in
substantially the following form:Should the (insert name of job development authority)Yesbe terminated?Noc.Only electors of the county who are residents of the area subject to taxation
under section 11-11.1-04 may vote on the question to discontinue the authority.
The question to discontinue the authority requires a majority of the electors
voting on the question for passage.2.If the authority is created, a board of directors of not fewer than ten nor more than
twenty members must be appointed by the county commissioners and must consist
of representatives from the following groups, as they may exist:a.Two members from the county commission.b.One member from the city council or commission of each city within the county
which has a population of five hundred or more.c.One member selected from among the city governments of the remaining cities
of the county.d.If a majority of the townships in the county are organized townships, two
members selected from the township governments of the organized townships
in the county.e.The remaining members must be selected from a list of candidates from the
following fields:(1)A representative of the local job service office nearest the county seat.(2)A member of the local airport authority.(3)A member of a local institution of higher education.(4)A member from among the school boards of the county.(5)A member from a local industrial development organization.(6)A member of the regional planning council serving the county.Page No. 1(7)A member of the legislative assembly representing a district within the
county.(8)Members at large from the county.3.The county commissioners shall make appointments to the board from a slate of
candidates submitted by the chambers of commerce within the county.If nochamber of commerce exists in the county, the nominations may be submitted by
any civic or patriotic organization within the county.If names submitted areunacceptable, the county commission may request additional nominees.Themembers must be appointed without regard to political affiliation and upon their
fitness to serve as members by reason of character, experience, and training. All
members of the board who do not reside in the area subject to taxation under
section 11-11.1-04 are nonvoting members of the board.11-11.1-01.1. Joint job development authority - Board of directors. The boards ofcounty commissioners of two or more counties, by resolution, may create a joint job development
authority for the counties.If the authority is created, boards of county commissioners shallappoint a board of directors in the size and manner established in the resolution. The resolution
must include provision for discontinuing the authority by the boards of county commissioners. If
the authority is created, the question of discontinuing the authority may be placed on the ballot at
the next regular election by petition signed by electors, who are residents of the area subject to
taxation under section 11-11.1-04, of any county creating the authority equal in number to ten
percent of the votes cast in that county for the office of governor in the last general election. The
question to discontinue the authority requires a majority of the electors voting on the question in
that county for passage. Only electors of the county who are residents of the area subject to
taxation under section 11-11.1-04 may vote on the question to discontinue the authority. If the
question to discontinue in any county creating the authority is passed, the authority is
discontinued.11-11.1-02. Members of the job development authority board of directors - Term ofoffice - Oath - Expenses. The members of the job development authority board of directors and
the joint job development authority board of directors shall serve for a term of three years or until
their successors are duly qualified. Terms of office begin on January first and must be arranged
so that the terms of office of approximately one-third of the members expire on December
thirty-first of each year. Each member of the board shall qualify by taking the oath provided for
civil officers. The oath must be filed with the county auditor.The board of directors shall annually elect members to serve as chairman, vice chairman,secretary, and treasurer. The board shall also select an executive committee with such powers
and duties as may be delegated by the board.Members may be reimbursed from fundsavailable to the authority for mileage and expenses as provided in sections 44-08-04 and
54-06-09 but may not receive compensation for service.11-11.1-03. Powers and duties of job development authorities. The job developmentauthority or joint job development authority shall use its financial and other resources to
encourage and assist in the development of employment and promotion of tourism within the
county or counties. In fulfilling this objective, the authority may exercise the following powers:1.To sue and be sued.2.To make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to
the exercise of the powers of the authority.3.To hire professional personnel skilled in seeking and promoting new or expanded
opportunities within the county or counties.4.To make, amend, and repeal resolutions consistent with the provisions of this
chapter as necessary to carry into effect the powers and purposes of the authority.Page No. 25.To acquire by gift, trade, or purchase, and to hold, improve, and dispose of property.6.To certify a tax levy as provided in section 11-11.1-04 and to expend moneys raised
by the tax for the purposes provided in this chapter. A job development authority
may accept and expend moneys from any other source.7.To insure or provide for insurance of any property in which the authority has an
insurable interest.8.To invest any funds held by the authority.9.To cooperate with political subdivisions in exercising any of the powers granted by
this section, including enabling agreements permitted under chapter 54-40.10.To loan, grant, or convey any funds or other property held by the authority for any
purpose necessary or convenient to carry into effect the objective of the authority
established by this chapter.11.To use existing uncommitted funds held by the authority to guarantee loans or make
other financial commitments to enhance economic development.12.To take equity positions in, provide loans to, or use other innovative financing
mechanisms to provide capital for new or expanding businesses in this state or for
businesses relocating to this state.13.To exercise any other powers necessary to carry out the purposes and provisions of
this chapter.11-11.1-04.Tax levy for job development authorities.The board of countycommissioners of a county which has a job development authority or joint job development
authority shall establish a job development authority fund and levy a tax not exceeding the
limitations in subsection 29 of section 57-15-06.7.The county treasurer shall keep the jobdevelopment authority fund separate from other money of the county. If directed by the board of
county commissioners, the county treasurer shall keep a separate fund for the job development
authority for the proceeds of any designated portion of the levy for promotion of tourism by the
job development authority. The county treasurer shall transmit all funds received pursuant to this
section within thirty days to the board of directors of the authority. The funds when paid to the
authority must be deposited in a special account, or special accounts if the authority chooses to
maintain a separate account for promotion of tourism, in which other revenues of the authority
are deposited. Moneys received by the job development authority from any other source must
also be deposited in the special accounts.The moneys in the special accounts may beexpended by the authority as provided in sections 11-11.1-02 and 11-11.1-03.11-11.1-05. Organization of authorities - Temporary mill levy. During 1985 only, theboard of county commissioners of a county in which a job development authority has been
formed shall levy and collect a tax of one mill on the dollar of taxable valuation of property in the
county, and shall make payment of the amount collected to the board of directors of the job
development authority which may expend the funds as provided in sections 11-11.1-02 and
11-11.1-03. Expense reimbursement of board members for meetings held before receipt of tax
levy funds shall be made after the funds are received.11-11.1-06.Alternative levy for industrial development organizations.In lieu ofestablishing a job development authority or joint job development authority as provided in
sections 11-11.1-01 through 11-11.1-05, the board of county commissioners in a county where
an active industrial development organization exists may levy a tax not exceeding the limitation in
subsection 29 of section 57-15-06.7.The funds from the levy may be used to enter into acontract with the industrial development organization for performance of the functions of a job
development authority or joint job development authority as provided in sections 11-11.1-01
through 11-11.1-05.Page No. 311-11.1-07. Dedication of tax revenues. The governing body of a county may dedicateany portion of revenues from the tax authorized under this chapter or moneys received from any
other source to payment of any loan entered or grant awarded for any purpose necessary or
convenient to carry into effect the objective of the authority established by this chapter.Page No. 4Document Outlinechapter 11-11.1 job development authorities