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CHAPTER 12-44.1JAILS AND REGIONAL CORRECTION CENTERS12-44.1-01. Definitions. As used in this chapter:1."Administrator" means the sheriff, chief of police, administrator, superintendent,
director, or other individual serving as the chief executive officer of a correctional
facility.2."Correctional facility" means a city or county jail or detention center, regional
corrections center, or juvenile detention center for the detention or confinement of
persons in accordance with law. The use of the term does not imply and may not be
used to require the provision of services including treatment, counseling, career and
technical education, or other educational services, except as may otherwise be
required or provided for under this chapter.3."Correctional facility staff" means correctional personnel with titles such as jailer,
deputy, counselor, correctional officer, or any other title, whose duties include the
ongoing supervision of inmates in a correctional facility.4."Inmate" means any person, whether sentenced or unsentenced, who is detained or
confined in a correctional facility.5."Jail" means a correctional facility, including a county or city jail or a regional
corrections center.6."Juvenile detention center" means a publicly or privately established and maintained
correctional facility for the detention of juveniles. The term does not include the
North Dakota youth correctional center.7."Regional corrections center" means a correctional facility established and
maintained by more than one county or city, or a combination of counties and cities,
for the confinement of inmates.8."Trained correctional facility staff" means correctional personnel who have
completed a course of training approved by the department of corrections and
rehabilitation.12-44.1-02.Establishing correctional facilities - Correctional facility contracts -Regional corrections centers.1.For the confinement of lawfully committed persons, the governing body of a county
or city shall:a.Establish and maintain a correctional facility at county or city expense;b.Contract for correctional facility services and use of correctional facilities with
another county or city that maintains a correctional facility or with the state or
federal government; orc.Establish and maintain, pursuant to chapter 54-40 or 54-40.3 and this chapter,
a correctional facility in conjunction with other counties and cities.2.Subject to the requirements of section 12-44.1-31, the governing body of a
correctional facility may contract with a state or a regional correctional center,
county, or city of another state for the confinement of lawfully committed state,
county, or city inmates from the other state.Page No. 13.The governing body of a correctional facility may contract with a state or a regional
correctional center, county, or city of another state for the confinement of lawfully
committed North Dakota inmates in a county, city, or regional correctional facility of
another state.4.The governing body of a correctional facility may contract with another correctional
facility in this state for correctional services for purposes of safety, security, health
and medical reasons, or for correctional facility administration.5.The governing body of a correctional facility may contract for the confinement of
inmates lawfully sentenced by a tribal court.6.The governing body of a correctional facility may contract for correctional facility
services with a privately operated correctional facility.Contracts with privateagencies that provide correctional facility services may be entered into for up to
seven years.12-44.1-03. Safety and sanitation.1.Each correctional facility shall comply with state and local fire, sanitation, safety, and
health codes.2.The administrator of a correctional facility, to ensure adequate fire protection, shall
install firefighting equipment at appropriate locations throughout the correctional
facility.3.Each correctional facility shall have a smoke detection system approved by the state
fire marshal and tested on a regular basis.4.Designated exits must permit prompt evacuation of inmates and correctional facility
staff in an emergency.12-44.1-04. Administration - Organization - Management. The administrator of eachcorrectional facility shall:1.Formulate an operations manual, available to all correctional facility staff, which
delineates the written policies and procedures for operating and maintaining the
correctional facility.2.Review and update all policies and procedures in the operations manual at least
annually.3.Specify an administrator in the operations manual to whom all correctional facility
staff are responsible.The operations manual shall include the administrator'sduties, responsibilities, and authority for the management of the correctional facility
staff, inmates, programs, and physical plant.4.Ensure that correctional facility staff who work in direct and continuing contact with
inmates receive correctional facility training as determined and approved by the
department of corrections and rehabilitation.12-44.1-05.Meal payments.An administrator or correctional facility staff memberreceiving lump sum monthly payments for providing inmate meals shall submit an itemized
account of the meal expenses to the governing body of the correctional facility. Any amount of
the monthly payment in excess of the itemized account shall be returned to the general operating
fund or be given as salary to the person providing the meals, as determined by the governing
body of the correctional facility.12-44.1-06. Grades of correctional facilities.Page No. 21.The department of corrections and rehabilitation shall, following inspection pursuant
to section 12-44.1-24, grade correctional facilities as to length of allowable inmate
confinement based upon construction, size, and usage, as follows:a."Grade one" means a correctional facility for confining inmates not more than
one year.b."Grade two" means a correctional facility for confining inmates not more than
ninety days.c."Grade three" means a correctional facility for confining inmates not more than
ninety-six hours.2.The length of confinement of a prisoner may be temporarily increased on a
case-by-case basis in grade one and grade two correctional facilities upon the
request of the administrator and the approval of the department of corrections and
rehabilitation.12-44.1-06.1.Correctional facilities standards.Grade two and grade threecorrectional facilities do not need to provide outdoor recreation areas or exercise rooms separate
from dayrooms. Correctional facilities may allow contact visitation subject to the safety, security,
and administration requirements of the correctional facility.12-44.1-06.2. Female inmates in grade one correctional facilities. Expired underS.L. 2003, ch. 666,