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CHAPTER 12-47THE PENITENTIARY12-47-01. Penitentiary - Location - Purpose. The penitentiary located at the city ofBismarck in the county of Burleigh is the general penitentiary and prison of this state for the
punishment and reformation of offenders against the laws of this state.The director of thedepartment of corrections and rehabilitation may establish affiliated facilities at other locations
throughout the state within the limits of legislative appropriations. The department shall confine,
employ, and govern all offenders committed to the legal and physical custody of the department
in the manner provided by law.12-47-02. Jurisdiction over penitentiary and affiliated facilities. The penitentiary andthe grounds and premises thereof, for the purpose of all judicial proceedings, is within and a part
of the county of Burleigh, and the courts of that county have jurisdiction of all crimes or public
offenses committed within the penitentiary.The jurisdiction of a crime or public offensecommitted within an affiliated facility of the penitentiary is in the county where the affiliated facility
is located.12-47-03.Who may serve process within penitentiary.Repealed by S.L. 1999,ch. 114,