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CHAPTER 12-67HOME DETENTION AND MONITORING FOR CERTAIN OFFENDERS12-67-01. Definitions. As used in this chapter:1."Administrator" means the sheriff, chief of police, administrator, superintendent,
director, or other individual serving as the chief executive officer of a correctional
facility, as defined in section 12-44.1-01.2."Approved electronic monitoring device" means a global positioning system device
or other electronic monitoring device approved by the department or the
administrator which is primarily intended to actively or passively monitor, record, and
transmit confirmation of a participant's location or the participant's presence or
nonpresence in the home.3."Court" means the district or municipal court having criminal or juvenile jurisdiction
over a participant in electronic home detention or global positioning system
monitoring.4."Department" means the department of corrections and rehabilitation.5."Home detention" means the confinement of an individual adjudicated, convicted, or
charged with an offense to the individual's place of residence under the terms and
conditions established by the court, the administrator, or the department.6."Participant" means an adult or juvenile offender placed into an electronic monitoring
program.12-67-02. Application.1.For those offenders who are sentenced by the court to a term of imprisonment in a
county jail or regional correctional facility, the court may commit the offender to the
legal and physical custody of the administrator of the jail or correctional facility who
shall make the decision as to whether the use of electronic home detention or global
positioning system monitoring is appropriate for that offender.2.Except for an offense for which the law requires mandatory incarceration, electronic
home detention or global positioning system monitoring may be used for adult and
juvenile offenders as selected by the court, the administrator, the parole board, or
the department for adult offenders as an intermediate measure of supervised
probation, and for delinquent juvenile offenders in the custody of the division of
juvenile services as a condition of community placement. Electronic home detention
and global positioning system monitoring may be used for the following:a.Pretrial or preadjudicatory detention.b.Probation.c.Community corrections approved by the court.d.Parole.e.Work release under chapter 12-44.1 or approved by the parole board.f.Institutional release approved by the court or the parole board.g.County jail diversion approved by the court.Page No. 1h.Sex offender containment.12-67-03. Program description - Fees.1.Subject to the availability of funding, the department or a correctional facility subject
to chapter 12-44.1 may implement an electronic home detention and global
positioning system monitoring program.2.A participant may be required to remain within the interior premises or within the
property boundaries of the participant's residence at all times during the hours
designated by the court, the administrator, the parole board, or the department.
Instances of approved absences from the residence may include:a.Work or employment approved by the court, the administrator, the parole
board, or the department or traveling to or from approved employment;b.Unemployment and seeking employment approved for the participant by the
court, the administrator, the parole board, or the department;c.Medical, psychiatric, mental health treatment, counseling, or other treatment
programs approved for the participant by the court, the administrator, the parole
board, or the department;d.Attendance at an educational institution or a program approved for the
participant by the court, the administrator, the parole board, or the department;e.Attendance at a regularly scheduled religious service at a place of worship;f.Participation in a community work release or community service program
approved for the participant by the court, the administrator, the parole board, or
the department; org.For another compelling reason consistent with the public interest, as approved
by the court, the administrator, the parole board, or the department.3.A participant shall admit any individual or agent designated by the court, the
administrator, the parole board, or the department into the participant's residence at
any time for purposes of verifying the participant's compliance with the conditions of
the participant's detention.4.A participant shall make the necessary arrangements to allow for any individual or
agent as designated by the court, the administrator, the parole board, or the
department to visit the participant's place of education or employment at any time,
based upon the approval of the educational institution or employer, for the purpose
of verifying the participant's compliance with the conditions of the participant's
detention.5.A participant shall acknowledge and participate in the approved electronic
monitoring program as designated by the court, the administrator, the parole board,
or the department at any time for the purpose of verifying the participant's
compliance with the conditions of the participant's detention.6.A participant shall maintain the following:a.A monitoring device in the participant's residence or on the participant's person,
or both; andPage No. 2b.A working telephone in the participant's residence or in the absence of a
telephone a monitoring device in the participant's residence and on the
participant's person.7.A participant shall obtain approval from the court, the administrator, the parole
board, or the department before the participant changes residence or the schedule
described in subsection 2.8.The court, the administrator, the parole board, or the department shall inform a
participant that violation of the order for home detention may subject the participant
to prosecution or adjudication for the offense of escape from official detention.9.The court or the administrator shall assess to each participant the actual cost of the
electronic monitoring.The court or the administrator also shall assess to eachparticipant an administration fee of not more than five dollars per day which is to be
used to reimburse the sheriff or other law enforcement agency for the cost of
electronic monitoring enforcement services.10.A participant shall abide by other conditions as set by the court, the administrator,
the parole board, or the department.11.An approved electronic monitoring device may be used to record a conversation
between a participant and the monitoring device or the participant and the individual
supervising the participant solely for the purpose of identification and not for the
purpose of eavesdropping or conducting any other illegally intrusive monitoring.12-67-04.Consent of the participant.Before electronic home detention or globalpositioning system monitoring may be used, the court, the administrator, the parole board, or the
department shall inform the participant and other individuals residing in the residence of the
nature and extent of the approved electronic monitoring devices by securing the written consent
of the participant in the program and ensuring that the approved electronic devices be minimally
intrusive upon the privacy of the participant and other individuals residing in the residence.Page No. 3Document Outlinechapter 12-67 home detention and monitoring for certain offenders