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CHAPTER 12.1-27.2SEXUAL PERFORMANCES BY CHILDREN12.1-27.2-01. Definitions. As used in this chapter:1."Obscene sexual performance" means any performance which includes sexual
conduct by a minor in any obscene material or obscene performance, as defined in
section 12.1-27.1-01.2."Performance" means any play, motion picture, photograph, dance, or other visual
representation, or any part of a performance.3."Promote" means to procure, manufacture, issue, sell, give, provide, lend, mail,
deliver, transfer, transmit, publish, distribute, circulate, disseminate, present, exhibit,
or advertise.4."Sexual conduct" means actual or simulated sexual intercourse, sodomy, sexual
bestiality, masturbation, sadomasochistic abuse, or lewd exhibition of the genitals,
including the further definitions of sodomy and sadomasochistic abuse under section
12.1-27.1-01.5."Sexual performance" means any performance which includes sexual conduct by a
minor.6."Simulated" means the explicit depiction of any of the conduct set forth in subsection
4 which creates the appearance of actual sexual conduct and which exhibits any
nude or partially denuded human figure, as defined in section 12.1-27.1- Use of a minor in a sexual performance. A person is guilty of a class Bfelony if, knowing the character and content of a performance, that person employs, authorizes,
or induces a minor to engage in sexual conduct during a performance or, if being a parent, legal
guardian, or custodian of a minor, that person consents to the participation by the minor in sexual
conduct during a performance.12.1-27.2-03. Promoting or directing an obscene sexual performance by a minor. Aperson is guilty of a class B felony if, knowing the character and content of a performance, that
person produces, directs, or promotes any obscene performance which includes sexual conduct
by a person who was a minor at the time of the performance.12.1-27.2-04. Promoting a sexual performance by a minor. A person is guilty of aclass C felony if, knowing the character and content of a performance, that person produces,
directs, or promotes any performance which includes sexual conduct by a person who was a
minor at the time of the performance.12.1-27.2-04.1. Possession of certain materials prohibited. A person is guilty of aclass C felony if, knowing of its character and content, that person knowingly possesses any
motion picture, photograph, or other visual representation that includes sexual conduct by a
minor.12.1-27.2-04.2. Sexual performance by a minor - Enhanced penalties.1.Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 12.1-32-01 and 12.1-32-01.1 relating to
fines, a person who commits an offense under this chapter and who acts in the
course of a commercial or for-profit activity or transaction in which the offender had
or shared ownership, control, managerial responsibility, or a financial interest other
than wages is subject to the following penalty:a.For an individual, a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars; orPage No. 1b.For a corporation, limited liability company, association, partnership, or other
legal entity, a fine not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars.2.Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 12.1-32-01 and 12.1-32-01.1 relating to
fines, the court shall impose the following fine upon the conviction of a person or
entity described in subsection 1 for a second or subsequent offense under this
chapter:a.For an individual, a fine not to exceed fifty thousand dollars; orb.For a corporation, limited liability company, association, partnership, or other
legal entity, a fine not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars.12.1-27.2-05.Sexual performance by a minor - Affirmative defenses.It is anaffirmative defense to a prosecution under this chapter that:1.The defendant in good faith reasonably believed the person appearing in the
performance was eighteen years of age or older;2.The material or performance involved was disseminated or presented for a bona fide
medical, scientific, educational, religious, governmental, judicial, or other appropriate
purpose by or to a physician, psychologist, sociologist, scientist, teacher, person
pursuing bona fide studies or research, librarian, member of the clergy, prosecutor,
judge, or other person having a similar interest in the material or performance; or3.The defendant had no financial interest in promoting a sexual performance by a
minor, other than employment in a theater, which employment does not include
compensation based upon any proportion of the receipts arising from promotion of
the sexual performance, and that person was in no way responsible for acquiring the
material for sale, rental, or exhibition.12.1-27.2-06. Proof of age of minor. When it becomes necessary under this chapter todetermine whether a minor participated in a sexual performance, the trier of fact may base its
determination on personal inspection of the minor, inspection of a photograph or motion picture
of the sexual performance, testimony by a witness to the sexual performance as to the age of the
minor based upon the minor's appearance, expert testimony based upon the appearance of the
minor in the sexual performance, or any other method authorized by law or by rule.Page No. 2Document Outlinechapter 12.1-27.2 sexual performances by children