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CHAPTER 12.1-38ASSUMPTION OF RISK IN CRIMES12.1-38-01. Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:1."Convicted" includes a finding of guilt, whether or not the adjudication of guilt is
stayed or executed, an unwithdrawn judicial admission of guilt or guilty plea, a no
contest plea, a judgment of conviction, an adjudication as a delinquent child, or an
admission to a juvenile delinquency petition.2."Course of criminal conduct" includes the acts or omissions of a victim in resisting
criminal conduct.3."Crime" includes an offense named in section 12.1-16-01, 12.1-16-02, 12.1-16-03,
12.1-17-01, 12.1-17-01.1, 12.1-17-02, 12.1-17-03, 12.1-17-04, chapter 12.1-18,
section 12.1-20-03,12.1-20-04,12.1-20-05,12.1-20-07,chapter 12.1-21,section 12.1-22-01, 12.1-22-02, or 12.1-22-03, or an attempt to commit any of these
offenses. The term includes a crime in other states which would have been within
this definition if the crime had been committed in this state.4."Perpetrator" means a person who has engaged in criminal conduct and includes a
person convicted of a crime.5."Victim" means a person who was the object of another's criminal conduct and
includes a person at the scene of an emergency who gives reasonable assistance to
another person who is exposed to or has suffered grave physical harm.12.1-38-02. Perpetrator's assumption of the risk. A perpetrator assumes the risk ofloss, injury, or death resulting from or arising out of a course of criminal conduct involving a
crime, as defined in this chapter, engaged in by the perpetrator or an accomplice, as defined in
section 12.1-03-01, and the crime victim is immune from and not liable for any damages as a
result of acts or omissions of the victim if the victim used reasonable force as authorized in
section 12.1-05-03 or 12.1-05-04.However, the perpetrator's assumption of risk does noteliminate the crime victim's duty to protect against conditions upon the premises which the crime
victim knows or has reason to know may create an unreasonable risk of harm or which may
cause a foreseeable trespass by minors, nor does the assumption of risk apply to perpetrators
who are mentally incompetent or deficient.12.1-38-03.Evidence.Notwithstanding other evidence that the victim may adducerelating to the perpetrator's conviction of the crime involving the parties to a claim for relief, a
certified copy of a guilty plea, a court judgment of guilt, a court record of conviction, or an
adjudication as a delinquent child is conclusive proof of the perpetrator's assumption of the risk.12.1-38-04. Attorney's fees to victim. If the perpetrator does not prevail in a claim forrelief that is subject to this chapter, the court may award reasonable expenses, including
attorney's fees and disbursements, to the victim.12.1-38-05. Stay of claim for relief. Except to the extent needed to preserve evidence,any claim for relief in which the defense set forth in this chapter is raised must be stayed by the
court on the motion of the defendant during the pendency of any criminal action against the
plaintiff based on the alleged crime.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 12.1-38 assumption of risk in crimes