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TITLE 14DOMESTIC RELATIONS AND PERSONSCHAPTER 14-01POWERS OF INCOMPETENTS14-01-01.Person without understanding - Contract rights - Liability fornecessaries. A person entirely without understanding has no power to make a contract of any
kind, but is liable for the reasonable value of things furnished to the person necessary for the
person's support or the support of the person's family.14-01-02. Partial incapacity - Contracts - Rescission. A conveyance or other contractof a person of unsound mind, but not entirely without understanding, made before the person's
incapacity has been determined judicially upon application for the appointment of a guardian is
subject to rescission as provided by the laws of this state.14-01-03. Insane person - Cannot contract after incapacity determined - Right tomake will. After a person's incapacity has been determined judicially upon application for the
appointment of a guardian, a person of unsound mind can make no conveyance or other
contract, nor delegate any power, nor waive any right until the person's restoration to capacity is
determined judicially. If actually restored to capacity, the person may make a will, though the
person's restoration is not determined judicially.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 14-01 powers of incompetents