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CHAPTER 14-02.3LIMITATION OF ABORTION14-02.3-01. State policy on abortion and childbirth - Use of public funds restricted.Between normal childbirth and abortion, it is the policy of the state of North Dakota that normal
childbirth is to be given preference, encouragement, and support by law and by state action, it
being in the best interests of the well-being and common good of North Dakota citizens.No funds of this state or any agency, county, municipality, or any other subdivisionthereof and no federal funds passing through the state treasury or a state agency may be used to
pay for the performance, or for promoting the performance, of an abortion unless the abortion is
necessary to prevent the death of the woman.14-02.3-02.Use of public funds for family planning - Use for the performance,referral, and encouragement of abortion prohibited. No funds of this state or any agency,
county, municipality, or any other subdivision thereof and no federal funds passing through the
state treasury or a state agency may be used as family planning funds by any person or public or
private agency which performs, refers, or encourages abortion.14-02.3-03. Payment for abortions by health insurance policies delivered or issuedin North Dakota restricted. No health insurance contracts, plans, or policies delivered or issued
for delivery in this state may provide coverage for abortions except by an optional rider for which
there must be paid an additional premium. Provided, however, that this section does not apply to
the performance of an abortion necessary to prevent the death of the woman.14-02.3-04.Abortion in government hospitals operated within North Dakotarestricted. No person may authorize or perform an abortion in a hospital owned, maintained, or
operated within the state by the state or any of its agencies or by any political subdivision of the
state, unless the abortion is necessary to prevent the death of the woman.14-02.3-05.Penalty.Any person found guilty of violating this chapter is guilty of aclass B misdemeanor.Page No. 1Document Outlinechapter 14-02.3 limitation of abortion