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CHAPTER 14-02.4HUMAN RIGHTS14-02.4-01. State policy against discrimination. It is the policy of this state to prohibitdiscrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, the presence of any
mental or physical disability, status with regard to marriage or public assistance, or participation
in lawful activity off the employer's premises during nonworking hours which is not in direct
conflict with the essential business-related interests of the employer; to prevent and eliminate
discrimination in employment relations, public accommodations, housing, state and local
government services, and credit transactions; and to deter those who aid, abet, or induce
discrimination or coerce others to discriminate.14-02.4-02. Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwiserequires:1."Age" insofar as it refers to any prohibited unfair employment or other practice
means at least forty years of age.2."Aggrieved person" includes any person who claims to have been injured by a
discriminatory practice.3."Court" means the district court in the judicial district in which the alleged
discriminatory practice occurred.4."Department" means the division of human rights within the labor department.5."Disability" means a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or
more major life activities, a record of this impairment, or being regarded as having
this impairment.6."Discriminatory practice" means an act or attempted act which because of race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, status with
regard to marriage or public assistance, or participation in lawful activity off the
employer's premises during nonworking hours which is not in direct conflict with the
essential business-related interests of the employer results in the unequal treatment
or separation or segregation of any persons, or denies, prevents, limits, or otherwise
adversely affects, or if accomplished would deny, prevent, limit, or otherwise
adversely affect, the benefit of enjoyment by any person of employment, labor union
membership, public accommodations, public services, or credit transactions. The
term"discriminate"includessegregateorseparateandforpurposes ofdiscrimination based on sex, it includes sexual harassment.Sexual harassmentincludes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually
motivated physical conduct or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of
a sexual nature when:a.Submission to that conduct or communication is made a term or condition,
either explicitly or implicitly, of obtaining employment, public accommodations
or public services, or education;b.Submission to or rejection of that conduct or communication by an individual is
used as a factor in decisions affecting that individual's employment, public
accommodations or public services, education, or housing; orc.That conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of substantially
interfering with an individual's employment, public accommodations, public
services, or educational environment; and in the case of employment, the
employer is responsible for its acts and those of its supervisory employees if itPage No. 1knows or should know of the existence of the harassment and fails to take
timely and appropriate action.7."Employee" means a person who performs services for an employer, who employs
one or more individuals, for compensation, whether in the form of wages, salaries,
commission, or otherwise. "Employee" does not include a person elected to public
office in the state or political subdivision by the qualified voters thereof, or a person
chosen by the officer to be on the officer's political staff, or an appointee on the
policymaking level or an immediate adviser with respect to the exercise of the
constitutional or legal powers of the office. Provided, "employee" does include a
person subject to the civil service or merit system or civil service laws of the state
government, governmental agency, or a political subdivision.8."Employer" means a person within the state who employs one or more employees
for more than one quarter of the year and a person wherever situated who employs
one or more employees whose services are to be partially or wholly performed in the
state.9."Employment agency" means a person regularly undertaking, with or without
compensation, to procure employees for an employer or to procure for employees
opportunity to work for an employer and includes any agent of the person.10."Labor organization" means a person, employee representation committee, plan in
which employees participate, or other organization which exists solely or in part for
the purpose of dealing with employers concerning grievances, labor disputes,
wages, rates of pay, hours, or other terms or conditions of employment.11."National origin" means the place of birth of an individual or any of the individual's
lineal ancestors.12."Otherwise qualified person" means a person who is capable of performing the
essential functions of the particular employment in question.13."Person" means an individual, partnership, association, corporation, limited liability
company, unincorporated organization, mutual company, joint stock company, trust,
agent,legalrepresentative, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy, receiver, labororganization, public body, public corporation, and the state and a political subdivision
and agency thereof.14."Public accommodation" means every place, establishment, or facility of whatever
kind, nature, or class that caters or offers services, facilities, or goods to the general
public for a fee, charge, or gratuity. "Public accommodation" does not include a
bona fide private club or other place, establishment, or facility which is by its nature
distinctly private; provided, however, the distinctly private place, establishment, or
facility is a "public accommodation" during the period it caters or offers services,
facilities, or goods to the general public for a fee, charge, or gratuity.15."Public service" means a public facility, department, agency, board, or commission
owned, operated, or managed by or on behalf of this state, a political subdivision
thereof, or a public corporation.16."Readily achievable" means easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without
much difficulty or expense by a person engaged in the provision of public
accommodations.17."Reasonable accommodations" means accommodations by an employer that do
not:a.Unduly disrupt or interfere with the employer's normal operations;Page No. 2b.Threaten the health or safety of the individual with a disability or others;c.Contradict a business necessity of the employer; ord.Impose undue hardship on the employer, based on the size of the employer's
business, the type of business, the financial resources of the employer, and the
estimated cost and extent of the accommodation.18."Sex" includes pregnancy, childbirth, and disabilities related to pregnancy or
childbirth.19."Status with regard to public assistance" means the condition of being a recipient of
federal, state, or local assistance, including medical assistance, or of being a tenant
receiving federal, state, or local subsidies, including rental assistance or rent
supplements.14-02.4-03. Employer's discriminatory practices. It is a discriminatory practice for anemployer to fail or refuse to hire a person; to discharge an employee; or to accord adverse or
unequal treatment to a person or employee with respect to application, hiring, training,
apprenticeship, tenure, promotion, upgrading, compensation, layoff, or a term, privilege, or
condition of employment, because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or
mental disability, status with respect to marriage or public assistance, or participation in lawful
activity off the employer's premises during nonworking hours which is not in direct conflict with
the essential business-related interests of the employer. It is a discriminatory practice for an
employer to fail or refuse to make reasonable accommodations for an otherwise qualified person
with a physical or mental disability or because of that person's religion. This chapter does not
prohibit compulsory retirement of any employee who has attained sixty-five years of age, but not
seventy years of age, and who, for the two-year period immediately before retirement, is
employed in a bona fide executive or high policymaking position, if the employee is entitled to an
immediate nonforfeiture annual retirement benefit from a pension, profit-sharing, savings, or
deferred compensation plan, or any combination of those plans, of the employer of the
employee, which equal, in the aggregate, at least forty-four thousand dollars.14-02.4-04. Employment agency's discriminatory practices. It is a discriminatorypractice for an employment agency to accord adverse or unequal treatment to a person in
connection with an application for employment, referral, or request for assistance in procurement
of employees because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental
disability, or status with respect to marriage or public assistance, or to accept a listing of
employment on that basis.14-02.4-05.Labor organization's discriminatory practices.It is a discriminatorypractice for a labor organization to deny full and equal membership rights to an applicant for
membership or to a member; to expel, suspend, or otherwise discipline a member; or to accord
adverse, unlawful, or unequal treatment to a person with respect to the person's hiring,
apprenticeship, training, tenure, compensation, upgrading, layoff, or a term or condition of
employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental
disability, or status with respect to marriage or public assistance.14-02.4-06.Certain employment advertising deemed discriminatory.It is adiscriminatory practice for an employer, employment agency, or labor organization, or the
employees, agents, or members thereof directly or indirectly to advertise or in any other manner
indicate or publicize that individuals of a particular race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
physical or mental disability, or status with respect to marriage or public assistance, or who
participate in lawful activity off the employer's premises during nonworking hours which activity is
not in direct conflict with the essential business-related interests of the employer, are unwelcome,
objectionable, not acceptable, or not solicited.14-02.4-07.Requiring security clearance not discriminatory.Notwithstandingsections 14-02.4-03 through 14-02.4-06, it is not a discriminatory practice for an employer to failPage No. 3or refuse to hire and employ an individual for a position, for an employer to discharge an
individual from a position, or for an employment agency to fail or refuse to refer an individual for
employment in a position, or for a labor organization to fail or refuse to refer an individual for
employment in a position if the occupancy of the position, or access to the premises upon which
the duties of the position are performed, is subject to a requirement imposed in the interest of the
national security of the United States under a security program administered under a statute of
the United States or an executive order of the president and the individual has not fulfilled or has
ceased to fulfill that requirement.14-02.4-08. Qualification based on religion, sex, national origin, physical or mentaldisability, or marital status. Notwithstanding sections 14-02.4-03 through 14-02.4-06, it is not a
discriminatory practice for an employer to fail or refuse to hire and employ an individual for a
position, to discharge an individual from a position, or for an employment agency to fail or refuse
to refer an individual for employment in a position, or for a labor organization to fail or refuse to
refer an individual for employment, on the basis of religion, sex, national origin, physical or
mental disability, or marital status in those circumstances where religion, sex, national origin,
physical or mental disability, or marital status is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably
necessary to the normal operation of that particular business or enterprise; nor is it a
discriminatory practice for an employer to fail or refuse to hire and employ an individual for a
position, or to discharge an individual from a position on the basis of that individual's participation
in a lawful activity that is off the employer's premises and that takes place during nonworking
hours and which is not in direct conflict with the essential business-related interests of the
employer, if that participation is contrary to a bona fide occupational qualification that reasonably
and rationally relates to employment activities and the responsibilities of a particular employee or
group of employees, rather than to all employees of that employer.14-02.4-09.Seniority, merit, or other measuring systems and ability tests notdiscriminatory.Notwithstanding sections 14-02.4-03 through 14-02.4-06, it is not adiscriminatory practice for an employer to apply different standards of compensation, or different
terms, conditions, or privileges of employment pursuant to a bona fide seniority or merit system,
or a system which measures earnings by quantity or quality of production or to employees who
work in different locations provided that the differences are not the result of an intention to
discriminate because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental
disability, status with respect to marriage or public assistance, or participation in lawful activity off
the employer's premises during nonworking hours; or for an employer to give and to act upon the
results of any professionally developed ability test; provided, that the test, its administration, or
action upon the results is not designed, intended, or used to discriminate because of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, status with respect to marriage or
public assistance, or participation in a lawful activity off the employer's premises during
nonworking hours.14-02.4-10.Employment of individual - Exceptions - Physical examination -Investigation of medical history.1.Sections 14-02.4-03 through 14-02.4-06 do not apply to business policies or
practices relating to the employment of an individual by the individual's parent,
grandparent, spouse, child, or grandchild, or in the domestic service of a person.2.The employment of one person in place of another, standing by itself, is not
evidence of a discriminatory practice.3.After a conditional offer of employment, it is not a discriminatory practice for an
employer, employment agency, or labor organization to:a.Require a person to undergo physical examination for the purpose of
determining the person's capability to perform the essential functions of the job
with or without reasonable accommodations if every entering employee in the
same job category is subjected to the examination; orPage No. 4b.Conduct an investigation as to the person's medical history for the purpose of
determining the person's capability to perform available employment if every
entering employee in the same job category is subjected to the investigation.4.Medical history obtained under this section must be collected and maintained
separate from nonmedical information and must be kept confidential.14-02.4-11.Rights of veterans.Nothing contained in sections 14-02.4-03 through14-02.4-06 repeals or modifies a federal, state, or local statute, regulation, or ordinance creating
special rights or preference for veterans.14-02.4-12.Discriminatory housing practices by owner or agent.Repealed byS.L. 1999, ch. 134,