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CHAPTER 14-03MARRIAGE CONTRACT14-03-01.What constitutes marriage - Spouse defined.Marriage is a personalrelation arising out of a civil contract between one man and one woman to which the consent of
the parties is essential. The marriage relation may be entered into, maintained, annulled, or
dissolved only as provided by law. A spouse refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a
husband or a wife.14-03-01.1.Members of armed forces deemed residents.For the purpose ofinstituting any action or proceeding in the courts of this state, under the provisions of this title, in
which residence is a requirement, any member of any branch of the armed forces of the United
States who is stationed within the state, and the wife or husband of such member, if that wife or
husband is living within the state, must be deemed to be a resident of the state of North Dakota.14-03-02. Lawful age for marriage. Any unmarried person of the age of eighteen yearsor more, and not otherwise disqualified, is capable of consenting to and consummating a
marriage. If a person is sixteen to eighteen years of age, a marriage license may not be issued
without the consent of the parents or guardian, if there are any. A marriage license may not be
issued to any person below the age of sixteen, notwithstanding the consent of the parents or
guardian of said person.14-03-03. Void marriages. The following marriages are incestuous and void:1.Marriage between parents and children, including grandparents and grandchildren of
every degree.2.Marriage between brothers and sisters of the half as well as the whole blood.3.Marriage between uncles and nieces of the half as well as the whole blood.4.Marriage between aunts and nephews of the half as well as the whole blood.5.Marriage between first cousins of the half as well as the whole blood.This section applies to illegitimate as well as legitimate children and relatives.14-03-04.Marriage between white person and Negro person void - Penalty.Repealed by S.L. 1955, ch. 126,